Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Flies and mosquitoes

Life cycLe of a drone fLy
The drone fly is a kind of hoverfly. it
resembles a bee in appearance and
makes a low droning sound in flight.
after mating, the female lays her eggs
near a puddle, a polluted pond, or
other stagnant (nonmoving) water.
The larvae, known as rat-tailed
maggots, live in the water, breathing
through the long tail that acts like a
snorkel. The rat-tailed maggots wriggle
on to drier soil before pupating.
When the adults emerge from the
pupal cases, they fly off to feed on
pollen and nectar from flowers.

SoMe of THe SMaLLeST creatures in the world
are the most dangerous to humans. flies and
mosquitoes carry some of the world’s most
serious diseases. With their habit of sucking
blood and scavenging on garbage, many of
these insects spread cholera, malaria, and
yellow fever. There are about 150,000 kinds
of flies, including bluebottles, horseflies, fruit
flies, tiny gnats, and almost invisible midges.
We call many small, winged insects flies, but the
only true flies are those with two functional
wings; they belong to the insect group Diptera.
all flies lay eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae
called grubs or maggots. The maggots feed
and grow into pupae or chrysalises, from
which the adult flies finally emerge. despite
their unpopularity with humans, flies play
a vital role in nature. They pollinate
flowers and recycle nutrients as they
scavenge, and they are a source of
food for many larger animals.

Malaria is one of the most serious
and widespread diseases. It kills
over 1 million people each year.

Housefly has excellent
eyesight and

The mosquito has needle-shaped mouthparts that pierce the
skin to suck the blood of humans, horses, and other animals.
if a female Anopheles mosquito bites a person with malaria, it
takes in blood infected with the microscopic organisms
that cause this disease. When the mosquito goes on
to bite another victim, the organisms pass into
that person’s blood, and so the disease spreads.
The map below shows those parts of the world
where malaria is most severe.





Adult fly
emerges 4-6
weeks after
eggs are laid.

The hoverfly is one of the most
expert fliers. it can hover even in
windy conditions, then dart
straight up, down, sideways, or
backward. Tiny ball-and-stick
structures behind the wings,
called halteres, rotate rapidly and
act as stabilizers during flight.

Housefly can
walk upside


and diSeaSe
bluebottles, and
similar flies feed on
and lay their eggs in
rotting matter,
including garbage
and excrement. Their
mouthparts and feet
pick up bacteria, or
germs, which rub off
when they settle on our
food, dishes, and kitchen
equipment. The illnesses that
spread in this way range from
minor stomach upsets to deadly
infections such as typhoid.

Rat-tailed maggots (larvae)
feed on rotting and
decaying plant and animal
matter in the drain.

Maggots (larvae)
crawl out of water
and change into
pupae (pupate).


Hoverfly’s wingtips make a figure-eight
pattern with each wing beat.

Housefly feeding on
rotting meat

Larva (maggot)


Female drone fly
lays eggs near
water in a drain.


Find out more



The bluebottle,
or blowfly, lays
thousands of eggs in
garbage cans and on
meat. Within just a few
weeks these eggs
produce thousands
more flies.

Tiny hairs and hooks
on feet enable fly to
walk on the ceiling.


Flight, animal 210-


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