THE EXQUISITE BEAUTY, color, and scent of flowers have
inspired artists and poets for centuries. Flowers are
among the most brightly colored of all living things.
They include sun-loving desert marigolds, hardy
poppies in the snowy Arctic, tropical orchids, and
cultivated garden roses, as well as some tiny
inconspicuous flowers. Without the thousands of
different flowers and herbs that grow on Earth,
bees could not make honey, butterflies and
hummingbirds would have no food, we would have
no flowerbeds, and perfume would have no fragrance.
For most of us, the word “flower” describes any
flowering plant that is particularly colorful or pretty. To
the botanist who studies plants, however, a flower refers
strictly to the reproductive part of a plant—its bloom or
blossom. The word “herb” is an everyday name we give to
smaller, less colorful flowering plants whose leaves and
blossoms have a strong, pleasant scent and taste.
Parsley is a
garnish, an
ingredient in
sauces, and a
treatment for
urinary illnesses.
The flower head
contains the
reproductive parts
of the plant—as
shown by this pink
lily flower.
Thyme is a fragrant
addition to meats,
as a garnish, and
for mouth, throat,
and chest illnesses.
Plants known as herbs usually have green, juicy stems, unlike
trees and shrubs, which have hard, woody stems. Some herbs
and other flowering plants are described as annuals because
they grow, flower, produce seeds, and die all in one year.
Others are known as biennials because their life cycle takes
two years; perennials live for an indefinite number of years.
(male parts)
Sepals are usually green and scaly, and
protect the flower in its bud. They often
drop off once the flower has blossomed.
Petals may be large and colorful
to attract bees and butterflies.
The male cells lie in the
pollen grains, contained in
the anthers. The female
cells are inside the ovary,
below the stigma and style.
flavors many
dishes, from
pork to
poultry, and is
used to treat
sore throats
and colds.
Flowers and herbs 212-
Bay leaf adds
flavor to
and stocks.
Rosemary is a
companion to lamb
dishes, and brewed
in tea for headaches
and upset
Mint is used to make tea; it also clears
a stuffy nose and eases indigestion.
is often used
in French
is used for
stuffing, and
pizza, and to
aid digestion.
HErB gArdEn
Tending the herb garden was once an important part of daily life
because people relied on the natural products that they grew
themselves. Herbs are used to add flavor to food, scent the air, help
us relax, and treat illnesses. Many of our modern medicines contain
herbs; peppermint, for example, is used in many
anti-indigestion pills. Herbal oils, known
as essential oils, are extracted from
herbs and used in the production
of perfume and bath oils.
Basil is popular in
Mediterranean cooking
and is also used as an
insect repellent.
Petals are brightly
colored to attract
insects in search
of nectar.
Sepals protect
inner parts
of flower.
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