Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
american revolution


Colonial america
Declaration of independence
Franklin, benjamin
United states, history 0f
Washington, george

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molly pitChers
many women served on the battlefield, carrying
pitchers of water to cool the cannons. they were
known as “molly pitchers.” one, mary hays, took
her dead husband’s place behind the cannon.

in the early days of the revolution,
most patriots simply sought a voice
in the British parliament. But others
saw the opportunity for a united, self-
governing nation. patriots boycotted
British goods, including tea, and rallied
to the stirring speeches of rebels, such
as patrick henry and sam adams.

as many as one-third of the people living in the
colonies wanted to remain British subjects. some
had relatives in england whom they did not want
to endanger; others were afraid of the British
soldiers. many of these loyalists joined the British
army. the army also recruited Native americans,
who did not like the colonists for taking their
land, and slaves, who were given their
freedom in return for serving in the army.

at yorktoWN
Great Britain fought a
massive campaign on
land and sea to crush
the colonial army.
early battles were
fought in the
northern colonies,
but after France
entered the war, the
British army moved its
attention to the south.
it captured key southern
ports, but the patriots
rallied. With the French
navy blocking escape by
sea, the British army was
trapped. in october
1781, a large British
force surrendered to
George Washington
at yorktown, Virginia.
american revolution
1767 Britain imposes high
taxes on the 13 colonies.
1773 Boston tea party
protests against taxation.
1774-75 Continental
Congress meets to protest
against taxation and prepare
the 13 colonies for war.

1775 Battle of lexington
marks start of revolution.
1775 British win the Battle
of Bunker hill, ma, the
bloodiest conflict of the
entire war.
1776 Declaration of
1777 Colonists win key
battle at saratoga, Ny.

1778 France signs
alliance with the colonies.
1781 General Cornwallis
surrenders at yorktown,
Va, in the last major
battle of the war.
1783 Britain recognizes
american independence
in the peace of paris.

Just over 7 ft (2 m) long and
made of wood, the american
Turtle (right) launched the
world’s first submarine attack
on september 7, 1776. its
designer, David Bushnell, hoped
his invention could steal up
alongside a British warship and
attach a cask of gunpowder to its
hull, slipping away before a timer
made the cask explode. however,
the Turtle’s attack on hms Eagle
in New york harbor failed.

was a Mohawk
leader loyal to
the British.

A patriot rings
the Liberty
Bell, symbol
of American

Major General Lord
Cornwallis, the
British commander

George Washington


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