Many western words, ideas, and sources of entertainment have
their roots in the world of ancient Greece. about 2,500 years ago, the
Greeks set up a society that became the most influential in the world.
Greek architects designed a style of building that is copied to this
day. Greek thinkers asked searching questions about life that are still
discussed. Modern theater is founded on the ancient Greek plays that
were performed under the skies thousands of years ago. and the
Greeks set up the world’s first democracy (government by the people)
in athens. However, only free men born in athens were actually
allowed to have a say in government. ancient Greek society
went through many phases, with a “golden age” between
around 600 and 300 bce. arts and culture flourished at that
time. the Macedonians, under Philip of Macedon, finally
conquered the civilization, but it continued
under Philip’s son alexander, who
spread Greek culture and thinking
throughout the
Middle east and
north africa.
as leader of athens,
Pericles (c. 490-429 bce)
carried out a program
to beautify the city. this
included the building of
the Parthenon, a temple
to the goddess athena.
the second major city-state of
Greece, sparta, revolved around
warfare. spartans led tough,
disciplined lives. each male
spartan began military
training at the age of
seven and remained a
soldier until the age of
- women kept very fit
by running and wrestling.
the fierce spartan hoplites
(foot soldiers) were feared
throughout the Greek world.
Greek world
the Greek world consisted of many
city-states and their colonies, spread
throughout the Mediterranean region.
during the golden age, the Greek world consisted of independent,
self-governing cities, known as city-states. with its own superb port
at Piraeus, athens was the most important city-state. it became the
center of Greek civilization and culture, attracting many famous
playwrights and thinkers, such as socrates. athens practiced the
system of demokratia (democracy). People gathered together in the
agora (marketplace) to shop and talk. the acropolis (high city)
towered above athens.
There were many busy
markets in Athens, where
people came to buy and
sell their goods.
teMPle of Hera
the Greeks built temples to worship
their many gods. this temple at
Paestum, italy, was built to honor
the goddess Hera, who was the
protector of women and marriage.
Athens (in Attica)
and dependent
states (shown in
pink), c. 450 bce.
Ilium (Troy)
Spartan hoplites
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