greece, ancient
The athenians possessed a powerful
navy, consisting of a fleet of more
than 200 triremes—warships
powered by a square sail and rowed
by 170 men seated in three
ranks. The battle tactic involved
rowing furiously and ramming
the enemy’s ship. In 480 bce,
during wars against the
Persians, the athenian navy
crushed the Persian fleet at the sea
battle of Salamis.
Modern reconstruction of a Greek trireme
Great thinkers from athens
dominated Greek learning and
culture during the 5th and 4th
centuries bce. Socrates (469-399 bce;
above) was one of the most famous.
he discussed the meaning and
conduct of life. he also questioned
people cleverly, often proving that
their ideas were wrong. Socrates wrote
no books himself, but one of his
followers, Plato (427-347 bce), made
him the subject of many of his books.
The chorus
commented on
the action of the
play in song
and dance. The circular space in
front of the stage was
called the orchestra.
Greek TheaTer
Drama was born in athens. It began as singing and acting as part
of a religious festival to honor the god Dionysus. The audience
watched a series of plays; at the end of the festival, prizes were
given for the best play and best actor. From these beginnings,
playwrights such as Sophocles and aristophanes started to write
tragedies and comedies. Tragedies involved dreadful suffering;
comedies featured slapstick humor and rude jokes.
1500 bce Minoan
civilization (on island
of Crete) at its height.
c. 1400 Mycenaean
civilization, centered
in great palaces on
the Greek mainland,
dominates Greece.
c. 1250 Probable date of
the Trojan Wars between
Mycenaeans and the city
of Troy.
c. 1000 establishment
of the first city-states in
mainland Greece.
776 First Olympic
Games held at Olympia,
750s First Greek
colonies founded.
c. 505 Democracy is
established in athens.
400s Golden age of
Greek theater.
490-479 Persian Wars;
Greek states unite to
defeat Persians.
490 Greeks defeat
Persians at Marathon.
480 Greeks destroy the
Persian fleet at the Battle
of Salamis.
479 Final defeat of
Persians at Plataea.
461-429 Pericles rules in
athens; Parthenon built.
431-404 Peloponnesian
War between athens and
Sparta leads to Spartan
domination of Greece.
359 Philip becomes king
of Macedonia.
338 Philip of Macedonia
conquers Greece.
336-323 alexander the
Great, son of Philip, sets
up Greek empire in
Middle east.
Vase Painting
Painted scenes on Greek
pottery give us clear clues
about daily life in ancient
Greece. The paintings
often show a touching
scene, such as a warrior
bidding his family
farewell as he goes off
to war. They also show
the many gods that the
Greeks worshiped.
Amphora (vase) from Attica shows
Zeus, king of the gods, at the birth
of Athena, his daughter.
Find out more
alexander the great
Olympic games
The main actors
performed on the
proskenion (stage).
All the actors were
men, even those
playing women’s
roles. They wore
painted masks to
hide their faces.
The audience bought stone
tokens, which were like tickets,
and sat in a semicircle of
tiered seats set into
the hillside.
ancient greece
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