North aNd south korea
Communist-ruled North korea and us-
supported south korea were divided at the
38th parallel of latitude after World War II.
Both North and south korea claimed possession
of the entire country, and their troops often
clashed at the border in the years leading up
to North korea’s invasion. No peace agreement
was negotiated after the war, and tensions
between the two nations continue to this day.
uNIted NatIoNs
the united Nations had only been in existence
for five years when the korean War began. the
organization chose to play a military role for
the first time in its history, presenting a major
challenge to its member nations.
GeNeral maCarthur
President truman named General
douglas macarthur as commander-in-
chief of the uN forces. however,
macarthur wanted to expand the war
and attack targets in China, so truman
removed him from command in 1951.
Korean War history
1950 North korean troops
invade south korea.
1950 uN enters the war.
1950 uN forces stop the
deepest North korean advance.
1950 allied troops land
behind enemy lines at Incheon.
1950 China enters the war
in support of North korea.
1951 seoul is captured by North
korean forces, then reoccupied
by uN forces; truce talks begin.
1952 uN plan rejected;
truce talks broken off.
1953 North korea accepts
uN plan; armistice agreement
ends the fighting.
War oN laNd
In the early stages of the war, the North korean
army easily advanced to the south korean port
of Busan, in the southeast of the country. But
uN forces surprised the North koreans with an
amphibious landing at Incheon in 1950. uN
troops advanced far into North korea, but after
China entered the war, they retreated south.
civilians flee
the fighting.
the humaN Cost
the korean War devastated the entire
country. more than a million south
korean civilians were killed and several
million more were made homeless. the
North koreans lost an estimated 1,600,000
troops, while 57,000 uN soldiers were killed.
despite these losses, korea remained a
divided country, with few political changes.
38th parallel
Armistice line, 1953
IN the mIdst of the Cold War, a “hot war” in korea
brought world superpowers head-to-head in a bloody conflict. on
June 25, 1950, 90,000 North korean troops, trained and armed by
the soviet union, poured over the border into south korea. the
united Nations (uN) demanded a withdrawal, but the fighting
continued. In its first military role, the uN sent troops from 16 of its
member nations, commanded and led by the united states, to fight
alongside the south korean army. China soon entered the war on
the North korean side. three years of brutal fighting ended with
an armistice agreement in 1953, but
despite the huge
loss of life, little
had changed.
United Nations troops
pose for a photo
at the 38th parallel.
Korean War
Cold war
united nations
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