Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




Musicians Make Music by carefully organizing sounds into a
regular, pleasing pattern to entertain listeners. notes are the starting
point for all music. a note is a regular vibration of the air that
musicians create with musical instruments or with their voices. The
more rapid the vibration, the higher the pitch of the note—the
higher it sounds to a listener. certain notes sound better together
than others. Most music uses these notes, organized into a scale. a
scale is a series of notes that increase gradually and regularly in pitch.
Musicians usually play or sing notes at fixed time intervals. We call
this regular pattern of notes the rhythm or meter of the music. a
melody or tune is a combination of the rhythm, the notes the
musician plays, and their order. The melody is the overall
pattern that we hear and remember—and whistle or hum days or
perhaps weeks later.

The clef shows the pitch at
which to play the music. This
is the treble clef.

A crescendo shows
that the music gets
gradually louder.

Charlie “Bird” Parker (1920-55)
popularized a new form of jazz,
called “bebop,” in the 1940s.



chaMber Music
than pop—music
for small groups of
instruments is called
chamber music.
chamber music was
so called because it
began as music for
enjoyment in chambers,
or rooms, in the home.
composers wrote different
types of music for theaters or
churches. Today, performances
of chamber music often take
place in concert halls.

composers need a way of writing down the music they
create. Musical notation is a code of symbols and signs that
records every aspect of the music. in the 9th century, monks
began to use musical notation to help them remember the
tunes of holy songs. The system in use today had developed
fully by about 1200 ce.

f g


The shape of each note tells the
musician how long to play it. This
is a quarter note.

The position of the notes on or between the five
horizontal staff lines indicates their pitch. Musicians
use letters of the alphabet as names for each of the
eight notes in an octave.

The essential ingredient of jazz is
improvisation—the musicians make
up some or all of the music as
they play it. african-american
musicians created the very
first jazz music at the
beginning of the 20th
century in new orleans,
Louisiana. Jazz is a mixture
of blues, religious gospel,
and european music.

The firsT Music
The chanting of prehistoric people was
probably the earliest music. The oldest
surviving musical instruments are mammoth
bones from northern eurasia; musicians may
have banged them together or blown them to
make notes about 35,000 years ago.

The key signature shows which key
the music is in. A key is a series of
related notes.

The time
shows the musician
the meter in which to
play the piece. This is
four-four, or common time.

When eighth
notes are next to
each other, their
hooks are usually
joined together.

All music is divided into equal measures,
each of which has the same number of
beats, as indicated by the time signature.
The bar marks the end of the measure.

Rests show where the
musician should pause.

Dynamic markings indicate
how loudly to play the music—
mf stands for mezzo forte, or
moderately loud.

The speed of the music
is often written in Italian.
Allegro means “quickly.”

A curved tie line joining two
identical notes means they must
be played as one unbroken note.

Ancient musicians of Ur in Sumer (now southern Iraq)
played lyres, flutes, pipes, and percussion instruments.

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