Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




sometimes the number 1 has to be
divided into portions. Parts of a
whole number are called fractions.

When We Want to knoW how many things we have, or
measure how large something is, we use numbers. numbers are
symbols that describe an amount. there are only 10 number
symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, but they can be put together in many
different ways to make other numbers of any size. Besides counting and
measuring, numbers can also be used to work out time and distances, or to
put things in order. the skill of working with numbers is called arithmetic.
early humans probably used their fingers and thumbs to count. Because we
have 10 digits—eight fingers and two thumbs—we developed a system of
counting that was based on tens. this is called the decimal system,
after the Latin word for 10. numbers are just as important
as words for passing on information. they can be written
down, so that other people can read and use them.

tyPes oF numBer
Whole numbers that stand for
quantities, such as 1, 2, or 3, are
called cardinal numbers. numbers
that put things in order, such as 1st,
2nd, or 3rd, are known as ordinal
numbers. in a fraction, the number
below the line shows how many parts
the whole is divided into; the number
above shows how many of those parts
are being described.

numBers in history
People have invented many different ways of representing
numbers with symbols. the modern decimal system has
now been taken up all over the world, but older systems are
still used in a few places. even the ancient roman system is
used sometimes, especially on clock faces.

A decimal fraction,
10 and 65


numbers A fraction, two-thirds


using numBers
if you look around, you will see how numbers are
used in everyday life. For example, scoreboards,
speed limits, distances, prices, tV channels, and
the time of day are all shown using numbers. Page
numbers in the index of this book show where
to find the topics that interest you. money is also
divided into units to make it simple to understand.

When people needed to
count higher than 10, they
used objects such as pebbles
to represent multiples of 10.
so, five pebbles and three
fingers stood for the number

  1. making calculations with
    pebbles led to the invention
    of the abacus, and later the
    slide rule and calculator.

The Babylonians invented a number system based on 10 about
3,500 years ago, but the symbols took a long time to write down.

The Ancient Roman number system goes back to about 500 bce.
It is an awkward system, but it is still sometimes used today.

In about 200 bce, the Hindus used a number system based on 10.
About 1,400 years ago, they modified it to include zero.

By the 15th century, Hindu-Arabic numbers had replaced Roman
numerals as the most popular number system.

Today, most countries use a modern version of the Hindu-Arabic
number system, because it makes calculations easy.


Find out more

Cricket scoreboard

Using fingers


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