Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




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Flowers and herbs
Fruits and seeds
Microscopic life
liverworts, and ferns

This plant
“steals” its food
and energy by
growing and
feeding on trees.
it grows high up
in the branches, and its
roots grow into the bark and
absorb the tree’s nutrients.

Food FroM planTS
We grow plants for food on farms and in gardens,
too. Food plants include cereals such as rice, fruit
such as oranges, and vegetables such as carrots.
Spices such as cinnamon are parts of plants and
are used for flavoring. Some plant parts cannot be
eaten because they are bitter, sour, or poisonous.
potatoes are an important food crop, but we eat
only the tuber that grows underground. The
fruit and leaves of the potato plant,
which grow above ground,
are poisonous.

When a small creature
touches sensitive hairs
on the leaves of the
Venus’s-flytrap, the leaves
snap shut with one of the
fastest movements in the
plant world.

inside every large fruit, or pod, of
the tropical cacao tree are about
40 cacao beans. These beans are
roasted, shelled, then ground into
a paste. The cacao paste is mixed
with sugar at a high temperature
to make chocolate.

Ferns grow in all parts
of the world. Some
are as large as trees;
others are tiny and
look like moss.

Fruit trees provide
many kinds of fruit,
including apples,
lemons, and
bananas. All are
rich in vitamins.

True flowering
plants include roses,
tulips, and other
garden plants.

Main groups of plants
The plant kingdom is made up of
many different groups. These groups are
divided into flowering and non-flowering
plants, as shown here.

Club mosses are
among the first
plants to develop
with true stems.

CarnivorouS planTS
Some plants obtain extra food from animals.
one plant, commonly called the venus’s-flytrap,
usually grows in swamps, where the soil is poor.
Flesh-eating or carnivorous plants trap and
digest insects and other small creatures.

The flytrap shuts in one-
fiftieth of a second, when
trigger hairs at the base
of each leaf are moved.

a weed is simply a plant
growing where it is
troublesome to humans. Most
weeds grow fast, come into
flower quickly, then spread
their seeds. Some weeds, such
as the convolvulus shown
above, have pale, delicate
flowers; others are colorful,
such as the dandelions and
buttercups that grow on lawns.

Microscopic plants are
so small that we can
see them only through
a microscope.

are small
plants related
to mosses.

lawn grass
and cereals
such as wheat,
rice, barley,
and corn.

Vegetables are edible flowering
plants that are rich in vitamins
and minerals. They include
carrots, potatoes,
spinach, tomatoes,
and beans.

Weeds are unwanted
flowering plants that
include dandelions,
nettles, and

Lichen is now classified
as a fungi. It has no true
leaves, stems, or roots.

The biggeST FloWer
The giant rafflesia is a parasitic plant. it has no
leaves and draws its food from the liana creepers
it lives on. it has the world’s largest flower,
at 3 ft (1 m) across. because of its smell,
it is also called the
stinking giant.

Horsetails were
among the
earliest plants
on Earth.

Coniferous trees
include fir trees and
pine trees. They
are also called
evergreen trees.

Bushes are woody
plants that are
smaller than trees.
They usually have
one main stem.

Shrubs are
woody plants
with more
than one
main branch
growing from
the ground.

Deciduous trees
are also called
trees.They lose
their leaves
each fall.

Moss grows on logs
and walls and in moist,
shady woodland areas.

Seaweed is an alga
that grows in sea
water and attaches
itself to rocks.

Herbs have
scented leaves.
They include basil
and oregano.

Venus’s-flytrap flower

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