66 million years ago
Trees with blossoms, such as the magnolia, began to
appear on earth more than 100 million years ago.
later, about 66 million years ago, dinosaurs and
many other living things became extinct (died out).
During the next few million years different kinds of
mammals and birds became more common.
150 million years ago
Dinosaurs ruled the land. reptiles such as plesiosaurs
ruled the seas, and other reptiles, the pterosaurs, flew in
the air. There were also birds and mammals at this time.
ammonites were common in the seas.
greaT ice age
about two million years ago
several ice ages gripped
earth, with warmer stretches
between. Humans evolved—
probably in africa—and
spread around the world.
in the north, they hunted
woolly mammoths, woolly
rhinos, and saber-toothed
cats. about 18,000 years ago,
ice sheets covered much of
northern europe, northern
Britain, and north america.
300 million years ago
The first amphibians had crawled out from the
water about 50 million years earlier. gradually,
they developed stronger limbs and thicker skins,
so they could live on land. They still had
to return to the water to lay their eggs.
giant ferns and horsetails grew
in the warm swamps.
There is concern over the fact that many animals and
plants are in danger of dying out, or becoming extinct.
But ever since life began, animals and plants have died
out, to be replaced by others. This process is part of
nature. as the conditions on earth change, some
living things cannot adapt; they eventually become
extinct. scientists believe that 99 percent of all the
different plants and animals that ever lived have
died out naturally. in prehistoric times, there
were mass extinctions when hundreds of
different things died out together. These
extinctions were often due to dramatic
changes in climate. about 225 million
years ago 90 percent of all the living
things in the sea died out. Today,
animals and plants are dying out
more quickly because humans
damage and destroy the areas
where they live.
Insects such as the
dragonfly evolved
about 350 million
years ago.
Saber-toothed cats
existed 19 to 2 million years
ago. Their huge teeth enabled
them to attack and kill large prey.
The first bats
existed about
50 million
years ago.
Mosasaur was
one of the first
sea reptiles. Its
sharp teeth
show that it was a
meat eater, and it
probably hunted fish.
Find out more
Prehistoric peoples
This dinosaur lived about 150 million
years ago in north america. it became
extinct about 140 million years ago.
neanDerTHal PeoPle
These people lived from
about 120,000–35,000 years
ago. They were smaller than
humans and are now thought
not to be ancestral to them.
it is debated, however,
whether they interbred
with humans.
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