Mutant house fly
Some elementS give out invisible particles called radiation. Substances
that produce radioactivity are described as radioactive. Radioactivity comes out
of the central part (the nucleus) of atoms of a radioactive substance and carries
away energy from inside atoms. this energy can be both useful and harmful;
it can be used to generate electricity or to create enormous
explosions. A radioactive substance, such as uranium,
is made up of big, unstable atoms. Some of the
particles that form the atoms break off and
are radiated as alpha particles or beta
particles, or as gamma rays.
eventually atoms reach a
stable state—stop
the substance is no
longer radioactive. this process
can take millions of years.
typeS of RAdioActivity
Radioactive substances give off three types
of radiation: alpha, beta, and gamma.
Alpha particles are larger than those of
beta radiation, so cannot penetrate as far.
gamma radiation is a very high frequency
wave and can pass through most materials.
only direct collisions with atoms can stop
it. Shields to protect people from gamma
radiation are made from dense material,
such as lead.
deep-SpAce nucleAR geneRAtoRS
Spacecraft that visit regions of the solar system far
from the sun can’t use solar panels to generate
power because they don’t get enough sunlight.
instead, these probes often take along a small
block of radioactive plutonium, which generates
heat that is converted into useful electricity.
the new Horizons probe, shown here before
launch, carries its plutonium well protected
inside the black cylinder seen on the left.
gene mutAtion
Alpha and beta particles,
x-rays, and gamma rays
produced by radioactivity can
damage living things, because
they alter the dnA of genes.
this can result in life-
threatening diseases such as
cancer. it can also lead to
mutations, or changes,
in the next generation.
SourceS of radioactivity
Earth’s rocks are naturally
radioactive as they contain
radioactive substances from
when our planet formed.
In this laboratory
experiment, a radioactive
substance emits radiation
through a small hole in its
lead casing.
The explosion of a nuclear
weapon produces both
electromagnetic (light) and
radioactive radiation, with
devastating effects.
In a nuclear power station,
the heat produced by
radioactivity is used to
make steam and drive
an electricity generator.
Radon is a naturally
occurring radioactive
gas that seeps out of the
ground in some parts of
the world, such as these
hot springs.
geigeR counteR
A geiger counter consists of a
gas-filled tube and a meter.
it can detect radioactivity.
gamma radiation
Radiation damage has
caused this rare mutation
of yellow eyes.
mARie cuRie
polish-born scientist marie curie
(1867-1934), and her husband,
pierre, won the 1903 nobel
physics prize for discovering
radioactivity. She did not know
that it was harmful and died
from radiation poisoning.
Large alpha particle
Small beta particle
Atoms and molecules
nuclear energy
Find out more
New Horizons probe uses
radioactive plutonium to
generate power.
US_427_Radioactivity.indd 427 22/01/16 4:46 pm