Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


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Europe, history of

Religions 430-

United kingdom, history of

On OctObER 31, 1517, German monk Martin Luther pinned a list of 95
arguments, or complaints, on a church door in Wittenberg, Saxony. this
sparked a movement known as the Reformation, because its followers
demanded the reform of the Roman catholic church, then the most
powerful force in Europe. Many, like Luther, believed
it was corrupt, and attacked its wealth and the sale
of indulgences (pardons for sins). In 1521, Luther
was expelled from the church. Followers of
Luther and other reformers became known as
Protestants because they “protested” against what
they felt were the errors of the catholic church.
Protestantism spread throughout Europe. then,
in a movement called the counter-Reformation,
the catholic church began to reform itself. the
counter-Reformation led
to religious persecution
and bitter civil wars.

tHIRty yEaRS’ WaR
the thirty years’ War lasted from 1618 to

  1. It began as a religious struggle between
    catholics and Protestants in Germany. then
    it grew into a war between the Habsburg
    rulers of the Holy Roman Empire and the
    kings of France for possession of land. In
    1648, the catholic side acknowledged that
    it could not extinguish Protestantism.

In 1231, the Pope set up the
Inquisition—a special organization
that searched out and punished
heretics (those who did not conform
to the catholic faith). Inquisitors
arrested, tortured, and executed
alleged heretics and witches (above).
During the Reformation, 300 years
later, the Inquisition tried to crush the
new Protestant churches, but failed.

cOUncIL OF tREnt
the counter-Reformation began when
catholic leaders met at the council of trent
in 1545. the council established the main
principles of catholicism and set up places for
training priests and missionaries. During this
time, the Jesuits, an important teaching order
founded in 1534, became popular.

War started after
two Protestants
were thrown
out of a
window in






Martin Luther (1483-1546)
inspired the Reformation. He
attacked the sale of indulgences
and said that no amount of money
paid to the clergy could pardon an
individual for his or her sins. Only
through faith could people be saved.

Catholic Protestant Catholic
and Protestant

Battle scene
during the
Thirty Years’

by 1560, Europe had two main
religions—Roman catholic and
Protestant. Protestantism began in
Germany. Many German rulers adopted
the new religion so that they could break
away from the control of the Pope and
the Holy Roman Emperor (the “political”
catholic ruler).

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