Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




on both sides of the Atlantic, Quakers, evangelical
Christians, and liberal thinkers fought to abolish slavery.
in britain, Granville sharp and William Wilberforce
(1759-1833) founded the Antislavery society in 1787-88.
Members campaigned for the abolition of slavery and the
freeing of all slaves. As part of the campaign, pottery
owner Josiah Wedgwood produced a special medal. in 1833,
the slavery Abolition Act freed slaves in the british Empire.

African slave laborers were made to grow sugar in
brazil and the Caribbean. later, tobacco was
also grown. by the late 1700s, there were huge
cotton plantations in north America and the
british textile industry began to flourish,
stimulating the industrial Revolution.
Cotton was made into cloth
in Glasgow and Manchester.

olAudAh EQuiAno
Africans themselves played a part in the
antislavery movement. one of the best-known
African antislavery campaigners was olaudah
Equiano (1745-97). born in nigeria, he was
captured with his sister when he was 11, and
taken to britain as a servant. his
autobiography was influential and is
one of the earliest important works by
an African written in English.

Africa, history of
Civil war
industrial revolution
tubman, harriet
united states, history of

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slAvERy And WEAlt h
England dominated the
slave trade, and some
british cities became very
rich as a result. bristol
and liverpool, for
instance, imported
goods such as sugar
and tobacco produced
by slaves in the West
indies. ships from both
cities carried slaves from
Africa to American plantations.

GRAnvillE shARp
in 1772, british clerk Granville sharp defended
a black immigrant named James somerset in a
legal case known as the somerset Case. this
established that slavery was not recognized in
britain, and a slave who stepped on british soil
was automatically free. the ruling was seen as
officially abolishing slavery in England.

AntislAvERy MovEMEnt
in 1840, a World Antislavery
Convention took place in
london, with delegates
from the united states.
Women took an active
part in the abolition
movement, often
linking their
situation with that
of slaves. American
feminists lucretia
Mott (1793-1880)
and susan b.
Anthony (1820-1906)
were leading campaigners.

Ships in Bristol harbor

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