Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




The first flint
implements were
crude. People used
the sharp edge of a
broken rock as a
cutting tool.

Stone Age

More Than Two Million years ago, stone was the most valuable
raw material known to people. They made stone tools and weapons, usually
from flint. These early people were called hominins, and were more
apelike than modern humans. They gradually learned to make specialized
implements, such as knife blades. stone age people moved constantly,
looking for hunting areas and setting up camps in small groups. a few groups
lived in caves during the coldest seasons. They gathered fruits, berries, and
roots, and hunted wild animals. By the start of the Mesolithic age (Middle
stone age; 15,000 years ago) many types of larger animals had died out.
Mesolithic people, who were “modern people” (Homo sapiens) like us, used
new stone-edged tools to fish and hunt deer and wild pigs.
about 10,000 years ago some neolithic (new stone)
age people learned how to
domesticate animals
and grow crops.
They settled
on farms.

c. 2,500,000 bce Paleolithic
age begins.
c. 2,000,000 bce hominins
make the first stone tools.
c. 1,500,000 bce First hand ax.
c. 125,000 bce ice age
retreats; people return to
europe, hunt large animals.
c. 75,000 bce People use fire
and bury their dead.
c. 20,000 bce spear thrower
invented. also harpoon, bow
and arrows, sewing, and cave
c. 12,500 bce Mesolithic age.
c. 9500 bce neolithic age.
c. 3000 bce Metal tools and
weapons replace stone.

hand ax
The hand ax was the first deliberately
shaped tool made by humans. it was
gripped at the rounded end and used
to cut meat or dig roots. Popular for
over a million years, it was used
longer than any other tool.

This flint hand ax was
found in a desert area
near Thebes, Egypt.

MaMMoTh hunT
From about 50,000 years ago,
“modern people” hunted wild
animals. By cooperating in
groups and using their
superior brainpower, they
could kill creatures much
larger than themselves. They
sometimes slaughtered large
numbers of deer and similar
creatures by driving whole
herds over cliffs. elephant-
like woolly mammoths were
popular game; they are
now extinct.

Man is using a bone
hammer to chip
away at a flint core.

Making flint tools and weapons


the core
with a bone
hammer made flakes,
each one a special tool.


later tools were
much better.
The toolmaker
prepared a flint
core by skillful

Dwelling places
made from animal
hides and mammoth
bones kept out the
cold wind.

cooks a hare
on a spit
over the

hide to

Mammoth has
been lured
into a pit trap
covered in

Find out more
iron age
Prehistoric peoples

Hunters killed
prey with
sharp stone

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