The greaT power of a submarine lies in its ability to remain hidden.
It can travel unseen beneath the waves, carrying its deadly cargo of
missiles and torpedoes, and remain underwater for long periods.
however, the submarine had humble beginnings; legend states that
during the siege of Tyre (Lebanon) in 332 bce, alexander the great
was lowered into the sea inside a glass barrel. aided by the invention
of the electric motor for underwater propulsion and the torpedo for
attacking ships, modern submarines developed into powerful weapons
during the two world wars of the 20th century. Today’s submarines are
powered either by a combination of diesel and electric motors, or by
nuclear-powered engines. There are two main types: patrol submarines,
which aim to seek and destroy ships
and other submarines, and missile-
carrying submarines. Small
submarines called submersibles
are used mainly for non-
military purposes, such as
marine research.
Submarine captains traditionally used
a periscope, a tube containing mirrors
and lenses, to see above the surface
while the submarine was submerged.
The latest submarines have digital
imaging systems instead of
periscopes, to relay pictures
from the surface.
Propeller drives
the submarine
through the water. Diesel-electric
engines are
specially designed
to make as little
noise as possible.
a diesel engine powers this
hunter-killer submarine
when it travels on the
surface, and an electric
motor when it is underwater.
buoyancy tanks fill with
water to submerge the
submarine; to surface again,
compressed air pushes the
water out of the tanks.
Torpedoes are packed with explosives
and have their own motors to propel
them to their targets. They are launched
by compressed air from tubes in the
nose and rear of the submarine.
Anti-submarine helicopter
trails active sonar system
in the water.
helicopters, ships, and
hunter-killer submarines are
equipped with sonar (sound
navigation and ranging) for
detecting submarines. passive
sonar consists of microphones that
pick up the sound of the submarine’s
engines. active sonar sends out ultrasonic
sound pulses that are too high-pitched to be
heard but bounce off a hidden submarine and
produce a distinctive echo.
The missile-carrying
submarine will dive to
escape its attackers.
Submarine captain
sees helicopter
through periscope.
Crew’s living quarters are usually
cramped. Some submarines
carry a crew of more than 150.
Control room, from where the
captain commands the submarine
Small movable wings
called bow planes, and
rudders in the tail, steer
the submarine.
Tubes for launching
ready for firing
Find out more
oceans and seas
rockets and missiles
Ships and boats
Hunter-killer submarine
uses active sonar to detect
enemy submarine.
The conning
tower stands
clear of the
water when the
submarine is
on the surface.
Periscope and
communication antennas
nucLear SubmarIne
The most powerful of all weapons is the
nuclear missile-carrying submarine. Its
nuclear-powered engines allow it to hide
underwater almost indefinitely without
coming up for air, and it carries sufficient
nuclear missiles to destroy several large cities.
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