Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The courT decides
some 6,500 cases come before the court each year. After
written and oral arguments, the justices discuss the case
together and vote. A majority vote decides the outcome of
the case. if the chief justice votes with the majority, he or
she selects a justice to write the opinion of the court. A
justice who disagrees may write a dissenting opinion.

supreme courT jusTices
The members of the us supreme court
are appointed by the president, with
the approval of the senate. The justices
may serve for life. in 1967, Thurgood
marshall became the first African
American to be appointed to the court. in
1981, sandra day o’connor became the
first female us supreme court justice.

Supreme Court

justices first wore
traditional black
robes in the early
19th century.

The highesT courT in the united states, the supreme court is the
ultimate court of appeal. established in 1789, the court’s basic duty is to
interpret and rule on the laws laid down in the constitution. The court
consists of nine members—a chief justice and eight Associate justices.
They have the power of judicial review, to determine if state or federal
laws conflict with how the court interprets the constitution. however,
most of the 6,500 cases the court hears each year are on appeal from
lower courts. in its landmark cases, the court has made decisions that
have shaped American law and the American way of life.

supreme court

civil righTs And The courT
many of the court’s landmark cases deal with civil rights.
in 1951, eight-year-old linda Brown was turned away
from a whites-only school in Topeka, Kansas; she was
the wrong color. in 1954, the court ruled in Brown
versus Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas that school
segregation was a violation of the 14th Amendment.

African-American schoolchildren
defy segregation in the aftermath
of the Brown versus Board of
Education case.

courT TrAdiTions
The us supreme court justices follow many long-
standing traditions. since 1800, the justices have worn
black robes. Quill pens are placed on their tables each
day, and at the beginning of each session, each justice
always shakes hands with the other eight.

landmark cases
1803 marbury v. madison
gave the court the power
to determine an act of
congress unconstitutional.
1857 dred scott v. John
sanford Blacks, even those
freed from slavery, could
not become citizens.
1954 Brown v. Board of
education declared that
segregation of whites and
nonwhites was unequal
and therefore a violation
of the constitution.

1961 mapp v. Ohio
no conviction from
evidence gained by
entering a house without
a search warrant.
1962 engel v. Vitale
prayer not compulsory
in public schools.
1966 miranda v. arizona
criminal suspects must be
informed of their rights.
1973 roe v. Wade right
right to abortion in
the first trimester
of pregnancy.

Thurgood Marshall
leaves the Supreme
Court with his wife.

Chief Justice
Warren Burger
reads the oath

John O’Connor
holds the Bible

Sandra Day
O’Connor is
sworn in as a
Court justice

civil rights

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