Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


HealtHy teetH
It is important to take care
of your teeth to keep them
healthy. teeth should be
cleaned with a toothbrush
and toothpaste at least twice
a day. Dental floss should
be used regularly. Sugary
foods are damaging to teeth
and cause tooth decay.

J awS
the upper jaw is fixed to the skull and
does not move. Powerful muscles in the
cheeks and the side of the head pull the
lower jaw up toward the upper jaw, so
that the teeth come together with great
pressure for biting. Other muscles pull
the lower jaw sideways, so that we can
chew with both up-down and side-to-side
movements. teeth are an important first
step in the process of digesting food.



Milk teeth and
adult teeth
Children have 20 milk teeth
that gradually fall out and are
replaced by a second set of
permanent adult teeth.
adults have 32 teeth in total.
each jaw has four incisors,
two canines, four premolars,
and six molars (two of which
are wisdom teeth). wisdom
teeth grow when a person is
about 20, although some
never push through the gum.

muscle pulls
jaw up.

Part of tooth
shows below
the gum line.

Dentists use x-rays (right) to see
the roots of teeth and to identify
any cavities. In the past, dentists
extracted decaying teeth, but now
only the affected parts are removed
and the hole is filled with hard artificial
materials. the white areas on this x-ray
are fillings and two crowns on posts.








eVeRy tIMe we eat we use our teeth to bite, chew, crunch, and grind
food. teeth enable us to break up food into small pieces so that our bodies
can digest it and use it. a tooth has three main parts—the crown of the
tooth, which shows above the gum; the neck, which shows at gum level;
and the root, which is hidden in the jawbone. the root of the tooth is fixed
securely in the jaw by a substance called cementum. a tooth has three
layers—creamy white enamel on the outside
(the hardest substance in the body); a layer of
dentine beneath; and the pulp cavity in the
center. the pulp contains many nerves, which
connect to the jawbone. there are four main
kinds of teeth; each kind is shaped for a
different job. Chisel-like incisors at the front
of the mouth cut and slice food; longer,
pointed canines tear and rip food; and flat,
broad premolars and molars crush and
grind it. During our lives, we have two
sets of teeth—milk teeth as children
and a second set of teeth as adults.

StRuCtuRe Of a tOOtH
teeth have one, two (like this molar),
three, or occasionally four roots, which
anchor them securely in the jawbone
and withstand the pressure of biting and 
chewing. Blood vessels that carry
nutrients and oxygen, and nerves that
transmit sensation, pass out through tiny
holes in the base of each root.

animals use
their teeth for
more than just
eating food.
large teeth help
defend an animal
against its enemies or
when fighting rivals during the
mating season. the tusks of
the warthog shown here are
huge canine teeth—like the
tusks of a walrus. tusks are used
to frighten off predators and,
sometimes, to dig up food.


Cross section
of a molar

A set of
adult teeth

Find out more
Human body
Canine Skeletons




muscles move
jaw from side
to side.

Pulp cavity

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