Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



and exports
Goods that are
traded internationally
are called imports
and exports. Goods
that one country sells
to another are called
exports; imports are
goods that a country buys
from another. In most
nations, private businesses
control imports and
exports. But in others,
the government imposes
strict controls on what
can be bought and sold.

InternatIonal trade
Goods move around the world
by sea, land, and air. this
international trade takes
materials, such as oil, from the
countries that have a surplus
to those that have no or
insufficient oil deposits.
International trade is also
necessary because goods do
not always fetch a high price
in the country where they
are made. For example, many
clothes are made by hand in
countries where wages are low.
But the clothes are sold in
another country where people
are richer and can pay a high
price. money earned this way helps
less rich countries pay for their imports.

WIthout trade and Industry, people would have to create
everything they needed to live. If you wanted a loaf of bread you
would have to grow wheat, grind the wheat to make flour, mix the
dough, and bake it in an oven. you would also need to build the
mill and make the oven! Industry organizes the production of
bread, so that just a few farmers, millers, and bakers can make
bread for everyone. similarly, industry supplies us with most
other essential and luxury goods, from fresh water to cars. trade
is the process of buying and selling. trade gets the products from
the people who make them to the people who need them. and
through trade, manufacturers can buy the raw materials they
need to supply their factories and keep production going.

524- Trade and industry

of a nation are sometimes
called the economy.

Balance oF payments
each country pays for imports with the money it earns by selling goods
to other countries. this balance between imports and exports is called
the balance of trade, or the balance of payments. countries that do not
export enough must borrow money from abroad to pay for imports.

trade aGreements
some countries sign trade
agreements in order to
control trade between them.
the agreement may simply
fix the price at which the
two countries buy and sell
certain goods, such as tea
and wheat. the european
union (eu) has a
complicated network of
trade agreements that
allows free exchange of
goods between member
countries. the eu also
restricts trade with countries
that are not members of the
union. this helps encourage
industry within the union.

...every country must
export goods and sell
them abroad.

To pay for imports
(goods bought from
foreign countries) ...

Imports Exports



Trade and indusTry

sIlk road
trade between different regions and peoples
goes back to ancient times. the silk road was
one of the earliest and most famous trade
routes. traders led horses and camels along
this route between 300 bce and 1600 ce,
carrying silk from china to europe.

India exports tea
to the Russian

India imports
cars from

India exports
rice to Australia.

India imports
oil from the
Middle East.

India exports
cotton textiles
to Europe.

US_524_Trade_Industry_1.indd 524 27/01/16 2:39 pm
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