United StateS
Today The UniTed STaTeS of america is the most powerful nation on earth. yet, just
240 years ago, the United States was a new and vulnerable nation. it occupied a narrow strip of
land on the atlantic coast of north america and had
a population of only about four million people.
Beyond its borders lay vast areas of unclaimed land.
Throughout the 19th century, american settlers
pushed the frontier westward across that land,
fighting the native americans for control. at
the same time, millions of immig rants from
europe were arriving on the east coast. By
1900, the nation’s farms and factories were
producing more than any other country. That
wealth and power led to its involvement in
international affairs and drew it into two world
wars. But the country continued to prosper.
Since 1945, the system of individual enterprise
that inspired the founders of the United States
has made its people among the world’s richest.
american business, influence, and culture have
spread to every other nation in the world.
fall of The SoUTh
The civil War ended in 1865, leaving the South
in ruinous poverty. The hatred and bitterness
caused by the war lasted for many years as the
federal government took temporary control
of the defeated southern states.
Spread of The railroad
in 1860 there were more than
30,000 miles (48,000 km) of track
in the eastern United States, but
almost none had been built west of
the mississippi river. on may 10,
1869, the first transcontinental
railroad was completed, and the two
coasts of america were joined for the
first time. a ceremony was held
at promontory point in Utah to mark
the occasion. The growth of the railroad
network helped unify the country.
STarS and
The first
official flag
was made
in 1777,
and had
one stripe
and one star for
each of the original
13 states of the
Union. after 1818, a
new star was added to
the flag each time a state
joined the Union. Today,
there are 50 stars.
foUnding faTherS
The United States originally consisted of 13 states, each with its own
customs and history. in 1787, george Washington and other leaders,
sometimes called the founding fathers, drew up the United States
constitution, a document that established a strong central government.
The constitution, which also safeguards the rights of the states and
those of their people, has been in force since 1789.
groWTh of The UniTed STaTeS
The 13 original colonies on the east coast gained their
independence from Britain in 1783, and acquired all the land as
far west as the mississippi river. in 1803, the vast area of louisiana
was bought from france, and by 1848 the United States had
reached the pacific ocean.
13 original
states 1776
Oregon 1846
in 1783
hiStory of the
Ceded by
Mexico 1848
MEXICO Acquired
by 1810
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