The expanding universe
You can get an idea of how the
universe is expanding by imagining
several small pieces of paper
glued on to a balloon. each piece
represents a cluster of galaxies. as
you blow up the balloon, all the
paper pieces move farther away from
each other. in the same way, galaxy
clusters are moving farther away from
each other. The farther a cluster is,
the faster it travels away from us.
Balloon expands in
the same way that the
universe is expanding.
galaxY clusTers
Most galaxies belong to groups
called clusters, which may
contain thousands of galaxies
of all types. These clusters
form “walls” with great voids
in between, so that the
universe is like a foam.
Looking back in time
if you look through a telescope
you can see galaxies millions of
light-years away. You are not
seeing them as they are now, but as they were long
ago, when their light first set out on its journey— so
in a sense, you are looking into the past.
Pieces of paper
represent clusters
of galaxies.
Find out more
Big bang
Black holes
comets and meteors
lived on Earth
66–215 million
years ago.
In this image the
galaxies are yellow
and red, and the
blue haloes around
them represent
dark matter.
The invisiBle universe
When scientists estimate the mass of a galaxy cluster, the figure
usually turns out to be much more than the mass of the visible
galaxies alone. The extra, invisible matter is called dark matter,
and no one knows what it is. dark matter and ordinary matter
together account for only 30 percent of the universe. scientists
call the remaining 70 percent dark energy. dark energy is like a
force that acts against gravity and pushes the galaxies apart. it is
causing the expansion of the universe to speed up.
The vasT expanse of space that we call the universe contains
everything there is. it includes the sun, the planets, the Milky Way
galaxy, and all other galaxies, too. The universe is continually
growing, and each part is gradually moving farther away from
every other part. We know about the universe by using
powerful telescopes to study light, radio waves, x-rays,
and other radiations that reach earth from space.
light travels nearly 6 billion miles (9.5 billion km)
in a year. We call this distance a light-year. The
light from a distant star that you can see
through a telescope may have traveled
thousands of light-years to reach
us. Most scientists believe that
the universe was created by a
massive explosive event that
happened billions of years
ago. This idea is called
the Big Bang theory.
Many scientists now
believe that visible
matter makes up
only 7 percent
of the universe
and that the rest
is dark matter
and dark energy.
galaxies, which contain
gas, dust, and billions of stars,
belong to one of three main
groups—elliptical, irregular, or spiral.
Most galaxies are elliptical, ranging from
sphere shapes to egg shapes. a few galaxies are
irregular. others, such as the Milky Way, are spirals.
The universe consists of billions of galaxies of all types.
Way has
a halo of
stars and gas.
MilkY WaY
The sun is just
one of 100 billion stars
in the large spiral galaxy
we call the Milky Way. like
most other spiral galaxies, the
Milky Way has curved arms of stars
radiating from a globe-shaped center.
The Milky Way is 100,000 light-years across,
and the sun is 30,000 light-years from its center.
Galaxy is 100 million
light-years away. Light
left this galaxy when the
dinosaurs lived on Earth.
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