Washington, George
Mount Vernon
Built in 1743, Mount Vernon was the home
of George Washington for more than 50 years.
the wooden house overlooks the Potomac river
near Alexandria, Virginia, and is now a museum
dedicated to Washington.
“the FAther oF his Country” was a nickname that George
Washington earned many times over. First, he led the American forces to
victory against the British in the American revolution, then he served the
American people again as the first president of the united states. As a
military leader, he was capable and strong-willed. even when the British
seemed set to win the war, Washington did not give up hope and continued
to encourage the American troops. As president, he was an energetic leader
who used his great prestige to unite the new nation. yet, despite his many
personal strengths, Washington was an unlikely figure to lead a revolution.
he was born into a wealthy family and trained
as a surveyor before serving in
the local militia. he could
have had an excellent
military career, but at the
age of 27 he returned to
farming in Virginia. he did
the same at the end of the
revolution and only went back
to national politics in 1787
because he felt the country
needed his help once more.
Troops had to break the ice
in order to make their way
across the river.
Continental Congress
in 1774, the 13 British colonies in north
America set up a Continental Congress
to protest against unfair British rule.
George Washington was one of the delegates
from Virginia. Although the Congress
favored reaching an agreement with Britain,
fighting broke out between the two sides in
- the Congress raised an army under
Washington and on July 4,
1776, issued the Declaration
of indepe ndence. Peace was
declared in 1781, and the
Congress became the national
government of the newly formed
united states of America.
in 1789, it was abolished and
a new government structure
was established.
1732 Born in Westmoreland,
1759-74 Member of the
Virginia legislature.
1775-81 Leads Continental
forces in the revolution.
1787 helps draft the
Constitution of the united
states of America.
1789 Chosen as first President
of the united states.
1793 elected to second term
as president.
1797 retires as president.
1799 Dies at Mount Vernon.
Find out more
American revolution
united states, history of
ViCtory At trenton
on Christmas night, 1776, George Washington
led his troops across the icy Delaware river
and attacked the British in trenton, new
Jersey, before they had time to prepare
themselves for battle. the surprise attack
did much to increase American morale
at the start of
the revolution.
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