Water falls as rain and
is collected in lakes
and reservoirs.
Water is cleaned in
a treatment plant.
Once the water is
treated, it is pumped
up into a high tank,
ready to be used.
Water treatment
Water in a reservoir is usually not fit to
drink. It must pass through a treatment
center, which removes germs and other
harmful substances. Chlorine gas is
often dissolved into the water to kill
bacteria and viruses. In addition, the
water is stored in huge basins so that
pieces of dirt sink to the bottom; filters
made of stones and sand remove any
remaining particles.
Pure water is rarely
found in nature
because water dissolves
other substances to
form mixtures called
solutions. For example,
seawater is salty because
there are many
minerals dissolved in it.
Water solutions are
vital to life; blood
plasma, for instance,
is a water solution.
The sugar
when it is
in water,
a sweet-
tasting sugar
Water Pressure
Water rushes out of a faucet because
it is under pressure; that is, it is
pushed from behind. Pressure is
produced by pumps that force water
along using pistons or blades like
those on a ship’s propeller. Water
pressure is also created by the sheer
weight of water above. the deeper
the water, the greater the pressure. If
you dive into a pool, you can
feel the water pressure
pushing on your
Fire fighters
connect their hoses
to fire engines,
which contain
powerful pumps.
The pumps
increase the
pressure so
that the water
can reach
flames high up
in buildings.
HydroeleCtrIC PoWer
People have used water as a source of power for more than 2,000
years. today, water is used to produce electricity in hydroelectric
(water-driven) power stations. Hydroelectric power stations are
often built inside dams. Water from a huge lake behind the dam
flows down pipes. the moving water spins turbines, which drive
generators and produce electricity. Hydroelectric power produces
electricity without causing pollution or using scarce resources.
With the water high above the
ground, the faucet can be turned
on so the water runs out.
Water tank
stores clean
Underground water supplies
exist below the surface of
Earth. After a drought,
these supplies dry
out; it may take
years for them
to be refilled.
PollutIon and drougHt
In many places, such as east africa, there
is insufficient rain and constant drought.
Plants cannot grow, and people and
animals must fight a constant battle
for survival. Fresh, clean water can
also be difficult to obtain even
in places with lots of rain. this
is because waste from cities
and factories pollutes
the water, making it
unsafe to drink.
If three identical holes are
drilled in the side of a water-
filled container, water spurts out
much farther from the
lowest hole because
of the weight of the
water above.
Find out more
oceans and seas
rain and snow
Water can provide an unlimited supply
of power, unlike underground
resources such as
coal and gas.
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