Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Up to 200 years ago women had few rights.
they were not allowed to vote, and in some societies
they were considered the property of their fathers
or husbands. By the mid-19th century, women were
demanding equality with men. they wanted suffrage—
the right to vote in elections—and an equal chance
to work and be educated. they demanded the right to
have their own possessions, to divorce their husbands,
and to keep their children after a divorce. the fight
for women’s rights was also called feminism. the first
organized demand for the vote occurred in the United
states in 1848. By the 1920s, women had won some battles,
particularly for the vote and greater education. In the
1960s women renewed their call for equal rights. this new
protest was named the women’s liberation movement and
led to laws in many countries to stop discrimination against
women. yet today, in some
countries, women are still
denied full voting rights.

Women at War

World War I 573-

women in Britain worked to keep
factories going while the men fought.
they proved that women were just
as capable as men. In 1918, British
women over 30 got voting rights.
two years later, all american women
also gained the vote.

Women’s lIBeratIon movement
During the late 1960s and 1970s, the
women’s liberation movement fought for
further improvements in women’s rights.
Women everywhere demonstrated for equal
pay, better health care, and an end to
pornography and violence against women.

In 1905, a newspaper used the word suffragette to
insult women who were fighting for the vote.
However, the suffragettes were delighted with the
name, which has been used ever since. many
suffragettes broke the law and went to prison for
their beliefs. Women who used peaceful means to
obtain the vote were called suffragists.

In 1909, suffragettes
in prison refused to
eat. Jailers fed them
by pouring liquid
food down tubes
forced through the
women’s noses and
into their stomachs.
It was painful and
seriously injured some
women. force-feeding
ended in 1913.

Women’s rights 570-

1792 mary Wollstonecraft of
Britain published A Vindication
of the Rights of Woman.
1848 first women’s rights
conference, seneca falls,
new york, calls for voting
rights for women.
1893 new Zealand is the first
country to grant voting
rights to women.
1917 Jeannette rankin of
montana is the first woman
elected to congress.
1920 19th amendment grants
women a vote.
1923 alice paul introduces
the first equal rights
amendment to congress.
1960 sirimavo Bandaranaike
of sri lanka becomes world’s
first female prime minister.
1963 federal equal pay act
outlaws paying women less
than men for the same job.
1966 national organization
for Women (noW) founded.
1979 Un passes convention
on the elimination of all
forms of Discrimination
against Women.

emIl y DavIson
In 1913, British suffragette emily
Davison leaped under a racehorse
owned by King edward vII and died.
Her protest drew attention to the
votes for Women campaign.

sUsan B. antHony
one of the leaders of the suffrage
movement in the United states,
susan B. anthony (1820-1906) helped
launch Revolution, the first feminist newspaper.

WorKIng Women
In the United states about
47 percent of workers are women.
But relatively few hold important
positions, and most earn less than
men doing the same jobs.

Women’s Rights

Suffragettes publicized
their campaign by chaining
themselves to the railings
of famous buildings.

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