Allied countries are green,
Central Powers are pink, and neutral
countries are shown in beige.
countries at war
the war involved nearly
30 countries—more countries
than any previous war. there was
fighting in the Middle east, africa,
and the Pacific. However, most
of the war was fought in europe.
the western front in northern
France was a line of trenches that
stretched from switzerland to the
english channel. soldiers on the
eastern front fought in what is now
Poland. Fighting took place
on land, at sea, and in the air.
trencH warFare
the armies advanced as far
they could, then dug trenches
for shelter. Life in the trenches
was miserable. soldiers were
often up to their knees in mud.
Lice and rats added to their
discomfort. when soldiers left the
trenches to advance farther, the
enemy killed them by the millions
with machine guns. each side also
had artillery—guns that fired
huge shells—which killed many
more and churned up the
battlefield into a sea of mud.
arcHduke Ferdinand
on June 28, 1914, a serbian terrorist shot
Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of austria
and Hungary. Germany encouraged austria to
retaliate, or fight back, by declaring war on
serbia. a month after the assassination,
world war i had begun.
World War II 575-
Between 1914 and 1918, a terrible war engulfed europe. the war
was called the First world war, or the Great war, because it affected
almost every country in the world. it began because of the rivalry
between several powerful european countries. Fighting started when
the empire of austria and Hungary declared war on serbia. soon,
other countries joined the war. they formed two main groups: the
allies, composed of Britain, France, italy, russia, and the united
states, versus the central Powers—Germany, austria-Hungary, and
turkey. in the beginning, everyone thought the war would be short
and glorious. Young men rushed to join the armies and navies. But
it soon became clear that none of the opposing armies was strong
enough to win a clear victory. thousands of troops died, fighting
to gain just a few hundred feet of the battlefield. in the end, the
war, which some called the “war to end all wars,” had achieved
nothing. within a few years an even worse war broke out in europe.
red Baron
world war i was the first
war in which airplanes were
used for fighting. Germany’s
Manfred von richthofen
(the red Baron) became
one of the first air aces.
the Belgian city of Ypres
was a battleground several
times during world war i.
it was here that the Germans
first used poison gas on the
western front. By 1918 the
town was devastated (left).
Sweden Russia
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