world war i
German submarines called underwater
boats, or U-boats, sank many cargo
ships in the atlantic, causing food
shortages in britain.
Until 1918 it looked
as if Germany and its
allies might win. but
they were outnumbered,
and when the british navy
blocked the ports and cut
off supplies of food and
vital war materials, the
German people rioted.
they demanded food
and peace, and the
Kaiser—the German
emperor—gave up his
throne. Germany then
made a peace treaty, called
the treaty of Versailles,
with the allied forces. the
Germans lost much land
and took the blame for
starting the war.
death toll
Germany and russia each lost
nearly two million soldiers in the
war. britain lost nearly one million.
In all, 10 million died.
Wartime posters and newspapers
aimed to persuade people that the
enemy was evil and that war must
go on. the message of this
propaganda, or government-
controlled news, was that everyone
should help by fighting, working,
raising money, and making
sacrifices. the poster (left) shows
a frightening image of Germany
with its hands on europe.
People at home had little
idea of the real conditions
of the war. officers read
mail from soldiers and
censored, or cut out,
information that told
the true story. troops
returning home were
often too sickened by life
in the trenches to explain
what it was really like or to
tell how many soldiers had
been killed or wounded.
Women WorKers
as thousands of men went off to war, women took over their jobs in the
factories. most women worked long hours, and many had dangerous
jobs, such as making ammunition. their efforts disproved the old idea
that women were inferior to men and eventually led to women gaining
the right to vote. but when the troops returned after the war, there
was massive unemployment, and women lost their jobs.
on may 7, 1915, a German U-boat torpedoed the british passenger
liner Lusitania. more than 100 american passengers drowned, some
of whom were very rich and famous. this angered many americans
and turned them against Germany. the sinking helped bring the
United states into the war on the allied side.
June 1914 assassination of
archduke Franz Ferdinand.
July 1914 austria-hungary
declares war on serbia.
August 1914 Germany
declares war on russia and
France and invades belgium.
britain declares war on
Germany and austria-hungary.
May 1915 Italy joins allies.
July 1916 allies use tanks for
the first time in France.
April 1917 United states
enters the war.
March 1918 russia signs treaty
with Germany. Germany’s final
huge attack fails.
September 1918 allies begin
their final attack.
November 1918 Germany
signs armistice, ending the war.
world wAr I
Find out more
depression of the 1930s
Women’s rights
World war ii
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