Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


a writer’s original typed
or handwritten version of a
work is called a manuscript.
the editor writes
instructions to the
printer on the
manuscript and may
also make changes
and revisions to
improve the writing.
For example,
F. scott Fitzgerald
(1896-1940) was bad
at spelling, and
his publisher
corrected these errors.

Even a short novel has more than
50,000 words, so writing can be hard
work. to make it easier, most
writers organize their work
carefully. Writing methods
are quite individual. Many
authors use computers,
while some still prefer
pen and paper.
american raymond
chandler (1888-
1959), who wrote
detective novels,
had a favorite way
of writing
throughout his
working life.


a rEadEr’s iMagination can be excited by the way in which writers
and poets use words. Writers create fantasy worlds for readers to explore.
Historical novelists and science fiction writers transport us back to the past
or into the distant future. others writers, such as journalists, write in a way
that creates a lifelike picture of real events they have experienced. and
poets arrange words into patterns or rhymes that bring pleasure just by
their sound or their shape on the page. a writer is anyone who expresses
facts, ideas, thoughts, or opinions in words. Most writers hope or expect
that their work will be published—printed in books or magazines and read
by thousands of people. But some writers, including diarists such as the
Englishman samuel pepys (1633-1703), write for their own pleasure. they
do not always expect their work to be published. poets are people who
write in verse, or poetry. some poets use strict patterns of rhythm and
sound, but others write without any set form, in a style that is
closer to everyday speech.

one of the world’s first writers was the
ancient greek poet Homer, who lived
about 2,700 years ago. He wrote long
epic verses called The Iliad and The Odyssey.
in The Odyssey the beautiful singing of the
birdlike sirens (above) lures sailors to their
death by shipwreck on the rocky coast.

The manuscript for
this page, with the
publisher’s corrections

Chandler typed the first draft, or version,
of his books on yellow paper. He used
half-size sheets because he made changes
by retyping, not by changing words with
a pen. Retyping a whole sheet would have
taken longer.

Chandler’s secretary
typed a clean version
of the finished draft
on white paper.

Like any author,
Chandler would have
used maps to check
his hero’s movements
around Los Angeles,
the setting for many
of his novels.

578- Writers and poets

Books such as J.S. Hatcher’s Textbook of Pistols
gave Chandler the accurate information he needed
to make his stories seem lifelike and real.

annE Frank
during World War ii, the german
nazi government persecuted millions
of European Jews. to escape, anne Frank
(born 1929) and her Jewish family hid in a secret attic
in a dutch office. the diary that anne wrote while in 
hiding was later published. it is a deeply moving and tragic
account of her ordeal. anne died in a prison camp in 1945.

© 1990, Copyright by COSMOPRESS, Geneva & Anne FRANK-Fonds

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