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Dobbie, Philip Dowell; Niel Fletcher; Bob Gathany; Frank
Greenaway; Steve Gorton; Alan Hill;
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Morgan; Stephen Oliver; Susannah Price; Rob Reichenfeld; Tim
Ridley; Kim Sayer; Karl Shone; Steve Shott; Clive Streeter;
Harry Taylor; Kim Taylor; Wallace Collection; Matthew Ward;
Francesca Yorke, Jerry Young.
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Abbreviations: a = above, b = below, c = center,
l = left, r = right, t = top.
Graham Allen: 353
David Ashby: 97cl, tl, tr; 275; 369cl; 467cr; 493tl; 547; 548r
Graham Austen/Garden Studios: 192tl, bl
Stephen Biesty: 17; 18; 97cr; 99; 100; 253t; 508c; 517;
521c; 521tl
Rick Blakely/Studio Art and Illustration: 181cl; 252; 345;
355; 440c; 451tl; 463c; 464t, c; l; 525; 580
Peter Bull Art Studio: 89tr; 188bc; 236c; 277c, bc;
385cl, cr; 426bl; 559
Julia Cobbold: 104; 357c; 417; 438; 536br; 537tr
Stephen Conlin: 32t; 33c; 121; 433c; 543b
John Crawford-Fraser: 152cr; 368cr
William Donahue: 87c; 443c, bl; 526; 553t; 572
Richard Draper: 48
Angelika Elsebach: 23t, c; 24c; 29; 67; 70; 166cr; 198;
202; 203; 216 except tl; 217; 226cl, br; 227; 280; 319tl, c,
b; 331; 334; 469; 500; 530tl; 566c
Angelika Elsebach/David Moore: 530tr, bl
Gill Elsebury: 159; 160; 225; 374; 470
L.R. Galante: 19cl; 45cr; 200bc; 247cl; 265c
Tony Gibbons: 463b; 464b
Nick Hall: 169; 170c; 422; 423; 514
Nicholas Hewetson: 9cr; 10c, bl; 30c, bc; 39r; 41; 46t, b;
60t; 61cl; 84; 91tr, bl, cr; 95cr; 95tl; 108tr; 114cl, tr; 135cl;
137; 146c, br; 157bl; 163cr; 178; 179b, tl; 219c; 221c;
233; 238tr; 243bl; 245c; 246cl; 247tl, cl; 249; 251b; 255;
267; 268c; 282 tl, bl; 284br; 293b; 297tr; 298; 299; 315bl;
320; 333tr; 339tl; 352; 360tl; 365tr; 366; 376tl, cr; 377tl;
378cl, cr; 393; 394cl, br; 395; 424tr, b; 432c; 437cl; 439cl;
442b; 445cr; 447; 451tl, br; 473bc; 476cl; 477; 480; 481;
482cl; 496cl; 502; 505c; 541tl; 544; 549cr, bl; 550; 553bl;
558; 560bl, br; 570tr
Adam Hook/ Linden Artists: 45cr; 153c; 371c; 475cl
Kevin Jones Associates: 385
Aziz Khan: 19cr; 44l; 66br; 71tr, bl; 131tl; 133tr; 141cr;
144bl; 150cl; 153bl; 168c; 194cr, br; 196br; 200cr; 223tl;
230br; 257cl; 258c; 259bl; 277tr; 296bl; 305cr, tl; 324br;
369cr; 407tl; 430bc; 467c; 475tr; 504cr; 509tr; 511br
Steven Kirk: 163tl; 436; 437tl, b
Jason Lewis: 127; 188tl; 253r; 371tc
Richard Lewis: 134; 170t; 186; 215; 251c; 406;
426; 439bl; 451tr; 473tc, bl; 507t; 510; 524
Ruth Lindsay: 69; 85; 102; 165cr; 212tl; 213; 241; 242;
254; 261; 279; 322br; 323; 358 except cl; 567bl
Mick Loates/Linden Artists: 25; 26b; 68; 142; 143; 155;
156; 175; 197; 307; 308; 318; 391; 409; 410
Coral Mula: 506tl, bl
Sebastian Quigley/Linden Artists: 149; 151t, bl; 237bl;
342; 357b; 413cr
Eric Robson/Garden Studios: 458; 459
Jackie Rose: 302l, b; 302r, b
Simon Roulstone: 72c, bl, bc; 77tl, cl; 99c; 126c, cr; 180cl;
187tl; 188cl; 231c; 251cr; 282tr; 288c; 373bl; 426c; 513
Sergio: 78; 201; 250; 264cl, bl; 326; 434; 435
Rodney Shackell: 19c; 32b; 34b; 45br; 73cl; 113; 183;
200c (insets); 208cl; 245b; 268bl; 246bc; 282tr; 328br;
398; 399; 400b; 401tl; 403tr; 430; 456; 457tc; 467tl; 503tr;
536bl; 537ct, cb, cr
Eric Shields: 302c
Rob Shone: 27bl; 118; 119; 124; 145br; 309; 315r, cl; 316;
368r; 395; 424tl, cr; 428; 441c; 441cr; 443t, cl; 507br; 552
Francesco Spadoni: 150tl, bc, br; 352cl; 407tc, cr, bl
Francesco Spadoni/Lorenzo Cecchi:
133cl, tr, bl, br
Clive Spong/Linden Artists: 228
Mark Stacey: 88cr; 112cr; 122cl; 129bl; 141cl; 309cl;
317cr; 460c
Eric Thomas: 14cr; 15br; 21; 57; 58bl; 63c; 74bl, br; 76;
94tr, cl, bc; 97tc; 105; 185bl; 189cl; 190cl; 192; 224; 232c;
284tr, cl; 286; 288; 293b; 324c; 340r; 341; 363; 366; 403c;
408; 429tl, cl; 450; 496tr; 506c; 520bl; 527tl, cl; 540cr;
551; 555c; 573br; 574bl; 581
Richard Ward/Precision: 14tr; 15tl; 46c; 51t; 52t; 58tl;
61tr; 63cr; 87tl; 115br; 125; 128c; 132; 135cr; 145t, bl;
155cr; 171c, cr, b; 176; 199t; 209bl; 216tl; 219tl; 231; 243t;
297cl; 319b (maps); 328tl, bl; 329bl; 333c; 350; 358cl;
371bl; 372bl; 387; 388; 402bcl, bl; 414tl; 505br; 508b; 522;
549t, c; 556tc; 568br; 569; 734cr, bc
Craig Warwick/Linden Artists: 392
Phil Weare: 411l; 472bl; 577
David Webb/Linden Artists: 26t; 74bc; 147; 184; 209tc,
tr, bc, br; 210bl; 330br; 385; 389; 414b; 567t
Ann Winterbotham: 90br; 206r; 356c; 461;
Gerald Wood: 45bl; 204; 209cr; 359; 360br; 402tlc; 419;
501br; 518bc; 528; 529tl, cr; 568c; 575
John Woodcock: 10cr; 20cb; 51c; 75tl, c; 148; 164; 167b;
181c; 207bl; 246r; 247tr, br; 260; 274b; 329tl, c, cr; 337l;
339br; 346cr; 378bc; 394tr; 411cr; 433r; 443br; 451bl;
457r; 462cl, bl; 492; 493tr; 501bl; 504cr; 520cl; 520bc;
531; 540b; 541b; 542; 557; 566b; 567cl, tr, c; 573c, cr;
574tr, br; 576; 579
Dan Wright: 101; 209c; 354
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