The second-largesT counTry in the world is also
one of the emptiest. Much of canada is virtually uninhabited.
The northern part of the country is very cold and covered with
snow and ice for much of the year. Few people live among
the high rocky Mountains of the west. even in the huge
wheat-growing plains of the center there are few people.
The majority of canada’s 35 million inhabitants live in
the southeast, close to the border with the united
states. Most canadians speak english, but for some,
particularly those in the province of Quebec, French is their first language.
This is because they are descendants of the French who settled in canada
during the 16th century. The languages of the native north american and
Inuit inhabitants are rarely heard today.
Much of canada’s trade is with its
neighbor, the united states.
however, canada has
close links with many
european, asian, and
african nations.
canada occupies the northern half
of north america, stretching from
the Pacific to the atlantic oceans.
Part of the country lies within
the arctic circle. at 3,987 miles
(6,416 km), the canadian-us
border is the world’s longest
continuous frontier between
two nations.
More than six million
people live in the city
of Toronto. It is
canada’s business
center and capital
of the province of
ontario. Toronto
has many
including the
1,815 ft (553 m)
high canadian
national Tower.
rocky MounTaIns
Western canada is dominated by
the rocky Mountains, which
stretch from the united
states border in the south
to alaska in the north.
The mountains are
covered in trees and
are a haven for bears
and other wildlife.
Maple syrup is obtained
by cutting into the maple
tree and directing the
flow of its sap into a
collecting vessel.
sPorTs and leIsure
Winter sports such as skiing, skating, and ice hockey
are popular in canada because winters are long and
there is plenty of snow and ice. Modern ice hockey
was invented in canada in the 1870s and is now
played nearly everywhere in the world.
during the summer, sailing, canoeing,
and field hockey are also popular.
Ice hockey is the Canadian national
sport. The country produces some
of the best players in the world.
laW and order
The nickname of the royal
canadian Mounted Police—
the national police force—is
the Mounties. They boast that
they “always get their man.”
naTural resources
canada is rich in minerals such
as zinc and iron ore and has
huge reserves of oil, coal, and
natural gas. Just off canada’s
east coast lies the grand Banks,
one of the world’s richest
fishing areas. Waters within
200 miles (320 km) of canada’s
coastline are reserved for
canadian fishing boats only.
Vast forests grow across the
country and are a major source
of timber. The country’s
exports are mainly sent to the
united states; the two countries
have formed a free trade zone
with Mexico, meaning that
most exports or imports
among them are not taxed.
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