Childrens Illustrated Animal Atlas

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


African lion In a pride of
lions, females do most of the
hunting. The male is the only
cat with a mane.

Plains zebra Zebra herds
travel long distances to find
enough grass to eat. They
must also drink at least once
a day.

Impala To escape predators,
impalas leap forward up to
291 ⁄ 2 ft (9 m) and as high as 8 ft
(2.5 m). Sometimes they leap
over each other!

African elephant An
elephant’s trunk contains
40,000 muscles! It uses its
trunk to spray water into its
mouth for a drink.

This eagle’s name
means “tightrope
walker” because it
rocks its wings from
side to side when it
glides, as if it’s
balancing. Its bright-
red face has no
feathers at all.

Impalas eat grass in the
rainy season and shrubs
and herbs at other times.

African elephants have
much larger ears than
Asian elephants.

Kruger National Park
covers 7,523 sq miles
(19,485 sq km) in
northeastern South
Africa. It lies south of
Zimbabwe and west
of Mozambique.

Cheetahs are instantly recognizable
from the black spots on their coat.

A cheetah’s impressive
bursts of speed can only
last for short distances.
Afterward, it’s tired, so
other animals can easily
steal its kill!

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