Childrens Illustrated Thesaurus

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


a b c d e g h i j k l m p q r s t u v w x y z





adjective available only to a few
rich people » The restaurant
was so exclusive, you could
only get in by invitation.
chic, classy, posh (informal),
select, up-market

noun a reason or explanation
» Stop making excuses and
get on with your work!
explanation, justification,
pretext, reason

verb to forgive someone or
someone’s behaviour » Please
excuse my late arrival.
forgive, overlook, pardon,
turn a blind eye to

adjective excused from a duty
or rule » Ann was exempt
from singing in the choir
due to her sore throat.
excused, immune, not liable

noun activity that keeps you fit
» Half an hour of exercise is
the best way to start the day.
activity, exertion, training,
work, workout

verb to make very tired
» The marathon exhausted her
and she felt ready to go to bed.
drain, fatigue, tire out,
wear out

verb to use something up
completely » Stuart drank
so much tea, he exhausted
the supply of tea bags.
consume, deplete, run
through, use up

verb to make or become larger
» The balloon expanded
when it was filled with air.
develop, enlarge,
extend, fill out, grow,
increase, swell
antonym: contract

expand on
verb to give more information
about something » Please
expand on your story, I want
to hear more details.
develop, elaborate on,
enlarge on

verb to believe that something
is going to happen » The vet
expects the baby elephant will
be born in the next 12 hours.
anticipate, assume, believe,
imagine, presume, reckon,
think, envisage, forecast,
foresee, predict

verb to believe that something
is your right » I expect to be
given a pay rise.
demand, rely on, require

adjective costing a lot of money
» The trainers were very
expensive, and it took Charles
a long time to save up for them.
costly, dear, pricey,
exorbitant, overpriced
antonym: cheap

noun knowledge or skill in a
particular activity » We chose
the dancers with the most
experience to take on the
leading roles in the ballet.
expertise, know-how,
knowledge, training,

noun something that happens
to you » Mark’s round-the-
world trip was an experience
that he’d never forget.
adventure, affair,
encounter, episode,
incident, ordeal

verb to have something happen
to you » We’re experiencing
a few technical problems.
encounter, have,
meet, undergo

adjective very skilful as a result
of practice » After 20 dives,
Naomi considered herself
an experienced diver.
expert, knowledgeable,
practised, seasoned,
antonym: inexperienced

noun a skilled or
knowledgeable person » Nigel
is an expert on cheetahs.
ace (informal), authority,
buff (informal), geek, guru,
master, professional,
specialist, wizard
antonym: novice

adjective skilled and
knowledgeable » Becky’s
expert performance on the
guitar impressed everyone.
able, adept, experienced,
knowledgeable, proficient,
skilful, skilled, adroit,
dexterous, masterly,

verb to make clear by providing
extra information
» The teacher explained how
the machine worked.
define, describe, illustrate,
elucidate, expound

noun a helpful or clear
description » The headmaster
wanted an explanation for why
the children were late to class.
clarification, definition,
description, exposition

verb to burst or cause to burst
loudly » The party balloons
exploded and made them
all jump.
blow up, burst, detonate,
go off, set off

verb to become angry suddenly
» I asked him if he’d move up
a seat and he just exploded.
blow up, go berserk,
go mad

verb to increase suddenly and
rapidly » Sales of computer
games have exploded in
recent years.
rocket, shoot up, soar

The balloon expanded when
it was filled with air.

We chose the dancers with the
most experience to take on
the leading roles in the ballet.

Sales of computer games have
exploded in recent years.

Half an hour of exercise is
the best way to start the day.

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