The New Childrens Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The orchestra

O Woodwind instruments
make sound when air blown
into them vibrates. Players can
alter the sound by covering holes
with their fingers, or pushing down
on metal “keys” that cover holes
the fingers cannot reach. The
clarinet is a woodwind instrument
and there are more than 12 types
of clarinet, although not all are still
in use. The one shown here is a
bass clarinet, which produces a
deep, mellow sound.


Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) was born
and raised in the Republic of Venice.
He composed music in the Baroque
style. His most well-known piece is
The Four Seasons, in which he tried to
capture the atmosphere of each season.

O Percussion
instruments are
hit, banged,
scraped, or
shaken. When you
bang a percussion
instrument, such
as a drum, its
surface vibrates,
making the air inside ring with sound. This
sound adds a beat or drama to a piece of
music. Cymbals also vibrate to produce
sound—they are clashed together in a
swinging, brushing movement during the
climax in orchestral music.


An orchestra is a collection of about 100 musicians

who play different instruments that are grouped

into strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.

Each instrument plays a different part to make one

piece of music.


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