The New Childrens Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Biology is the
scientific study
of living things. Its
many branches are devoted
to different kinds of life,
including botany (the study
of plants) and zoology (the study of
animals). The most important idea in
biology is the theory of evolution by
natural selection, which explains how
living things came to exist in their
current form.




Since science began over 2,000 years ago, our knowledge

of the world has increased enormously. Science has led

to many discoveries that have transformed society,

such as cures for diseases. It’s also led to amazing new

inventions, such as telephones, televisions, space rockets,

and computers. These practical spin-offs of science are

called technologies.

Medicine is the

science of healing

illnesses. In the past,

people believed that

diseases were a punishment for

bad behavior. Scientists now

know that most diseases are

caused by microscopic


inherited genes,

or faults with

a person’s

immune system.


All substances are made
of chemicals, from your
hair and teeth to the air
around you and the
paper in this book.
Chemists investigate
how atoms join
together in different
ways to form
molecules, or how
molecules break
apart and recombine
to form new


Geology is the
study of the Earth
and its interior.
Geologists study
how rocks form
from chemicals
called minerals
and how they break down or change
into new types of rock. Geologists also
look at processes that happen deep
underground in Earth’s interior.
These processes cause earthquakes
and volcanoes, and continually
reshape our planet’s surface
over long periods of time.


Planet Earth is a tiny speck of matter
in a vast universe of planets, stars,
galaxies, and colossal areas of empty
space. Astronomy is the study of this
gigantic realm beyond our own
planet. Thanks to rocket technology,
astronomers can now study space
first hand.


Physicists investigate energy and
movement. They study the tiniest
particles of matter that make up
atoms, and things that aren’t
made of matter at all, such as
time, light, gravity, and
space. The work of physicists
led to the discovery of
radio waves, which gave
us television and cell
phone technology.


Preserved remains
of living things
helped scientists
to understand


1869 18901956 1953

Scientists developed
the atomic theory.
They knew how
atoms are put
together and how
they break apart.

Internet Tim Berners-
Lee invented the World
Wide Web, a new way
of sharing information.

Dmitri Mendeleyev
was a Russian chemist.
He laid the foundations
of modern chemistry
when he wrote the
Periodic Table.

Albert Einstein’s
theories of relativity
changed physics
with new ideas
about space, time,
light, and gravity.

Francis Crick and James
Watson unraveled the
structure of DNA, the
genetic code inside
living things.
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