The New Childrens Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


covered with a layer of nanoparticles.
The water forms a near-perfect sphere
as it touches the waterproof layer and
rolls away from the fabric. The droplets
collect dirt as they roll over the surface
and so they clean the fabric, too.


Scientists have already made tiny electric

motors, gears, and springs that are just a few

hundred nanometers across. In the future, they

hope to connect these miniature parts to make

nanomachines and nanorobots. These devices

could be used to help surgeons repair the human

body from the inside or they could circulate in

our blood and attack harmful germs.

Robotic ants Scientists are using microrobotic ants to study
the behavior of real ants. Nanotechnology helps in the
manufacture of the tiny electronic circuits that control the
movement of the robots.

 A ROBOT FLY is similar
in size to a real fly, but the
electronic components inside the
robot fly are nanometers across.

Common fly Robotic fly


Everyday nanotechnology While

the future uses of nanotechnology

may lie with hi-tech industries such

as electronics and robotics, this

emerging technology has already

found uses in many everyday items,

ranging from clothing and paints to

cosmetics and health-care products.

in sunscreen ensure even
coverage and do not leave
white marks on the skin.

 ONE IDEA that’s out of
this world is to use carbon
nanotubes to build a space
elevator that could transport
people on Earth to the Moon.

Scientists are looking at
the possibility of using
strong nanomaterials to
build very tall skyscrapers.
Carbon nanotubes are one
possibility. The carbon
atoms in these tiny tubes
form hexagon shapes,
making them extremely
strong and lightweight.
Engineers could use the
carbon nanotubes as the
supporting structures
for the skyscrapers.



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