The New Childrens Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Carbon is a vital element to all life on Earth. Its atoms move in
a natural cycle between land, water, and the atmosphere. Animals
and plants are part of that cycle. Many systems on Earth work in
a similar way, recycling vital ingredients such as nutrients, water,
and oxygen.

Carbon in the form of
oil and coal gives off
CO 2 when it is burned.

Numbers Small plants
grow quickly and produce
lots of seeds so they have
more chance of survival.

Lifestyle Pandas are only

found in small areas of

China where their main

food, bamboo, grows.

Cooperation Many plants
need insects to pollinate
them. The insect benefits
from their nectar.

Dominance Trees put more
effort into growing tall so
they can get more light and
nutrients than other plants.

All animals eat other living
things to get the nutrients they
need for energy and to build
their bodies. This energy starts
with sunlight, which is used by
plants and phytoplankton. This
is the start of a food chain,
where energy is transferred
from plants to a series of bigger
and more predatory animals.

 KRILL Billions
of these shrimplike
creatures feed on
plankton in the
cold polar seas.

 COD Fish
eat krill and
plankton in the
upper layers of
the ocean.

 SEAL Hungry
seals chase schools
of fish, such as
herring and
young cod.

These large predatory
mammals eat seals.

 SUN The
energy that shines
down from the Sun
is absorbed by

 THE CRABS of Christmas Island will
cross roads, tennis courts, and golf courses
to get to the sea during the breeding season.


Carbon accumulates in
sediments when plankton die.

Plants take in CO 2 during
the day and emit it at night.

Dead plants can be
slowly compressed under
rock and turn into coal.

Burning gas from oil
deposits releases CO 2

Pumping oil
and gas releases
stored carbon.

Marine animals breathe
out CO 2 and release
carbon when they die.

Marine algae and
phytoplankton absorb
and release CO 2
CO 2 in rain
washes carbonates
out of rock.

Animals give
off CO 2 and
methane. Volcanoes
emit CO 2

is washed
into lakes.
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