If the gelatinous cube Glabbagool travels with the party
(see chapter 4), its presence poses a few challenges in
Blingdenstone. The recent ooze attacks have the deep
gnomes rattled, and an intelligent, telepathic gelatinous
cube is something beyond their understanding. The
characters have to convince the svirfneblin to allow their
unusual companion inside, or tell it to remain outside the
settlement. If left outside. Glabbagool might eventually
find its way in through the wererat warrens, giving the
characters insight into how the other oozes are getting in,
or appeartng 1n the nick of time to help the characters if
they find themselves in peril.
This large cavern is located west of Blingdenswne (see
the map of Underdark regions and locations in chapter
2) and has always been a closely guarded secret. Most
sv irfneblin who knew of it perished during the d row
invasion of Blingdenstonc. A few members of the
Stoneheart Enclave have heard of its existence, but
have either dismissed it as legend or have simply been
too preoccupied with the reclaiming and rebuilding of
Blingdenstone to search for it.
The cave is two days' walk of the settlement. its
entrance a small cunnellcading to a ledge high above
the <·avern floor. The cave is lined with stalagmites and
stalactites. but the dominant feature is the summoning
circle at its ccmer. The circle was once used by the
svirfneblin to summon Entemoch. a prince of elemental
earth. and his energies suffused the entire cavern,
empowering elemental summoning within its confines.
If the circl<" is used to cast a spell that summons an
earth elemental. the spell's duration becomes ld4 +
6 days and the spell requires no concentration. The
summoned elemental never becomes hostile toward the
spell's caster or its companions. To gain these benefits,
the caster must provide material components in the
form of gems with a total value of 10 gp per Hit Die of
the elemental summoned.
Locating the tunnel that leads to Entemoch's Boon is a
great service for the svirfncblin, and might be a quest
set for the adventurers (sec "Uniting Blingdenstone"
later in this chapter). Despite how close the cavern is to
Blingdenstone, finding it is no easy task.
Characters can search for the tunnel by traveling at a
slow pace in its general vicinity. Each day they search,
have the characters make a DC 20 group Intelligence
(Investigation) or group Wisdom (Survival) check. If
the group chec-k succeeds, the characters find a curious
waymarkt-r: a small pyramid of carefully stacked stones
next to the mouth of an otherwise unassuming tunnel.
After locating the waymarker and following the tunnel
next to it, the party can make a DC 20 group TmeUigence
(Investigation) or Wisdom (Survival) check. On a
failure, the party wastes a day searching for the next
waymarkcr. If the group check succeeds, the characters
find their next lead after 2d6 hours: a tunnel whose
entrance is flanked by the sc-ulpted faces of a male
and female deep gnome. This tunnel features many
C H \ PTER 6 BLJ;-;GOI:.NST0!'/1:.
side tunnels concealed by rock formations. The party
must make a DC 20 group Intelligence (Investigation),
Wisdom (Perception). or Wisdom (Survival) check. lf
this group check succeeds, the party finds Ememoch's
Boon: if the check fails, the characters waste a day of
exploration searching for it.
Finding Entemoch's Boon allows the characters
to make a check to improve the attitude of the deep
gnomes (see "Changing Svirfncblin Attitudes~).
Random Encounters. For each day of exploration,
check for random encounters using the tables in chapter
2 and adjust the drow pursuit level as necessary.
Characters who explore the cavern find shattered bits of
statuary. A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation)
check confirms that the stone bits are the remains of
petrified cave vermin. Unless they leave the cavern
immediately, the characters are accosted by a mated
pair of basilisks that call Entemoch's Boon home.
Once the basilisks arc defeated, characters can
resume their exploration of the cave and find three
basilisk eggs in a nest made of pulverized stone. Each
egg is a 6-inch-diameter, 20-pound sphere with a
pebbled-gray shell as hard as stone. Left alone. the eggs
batch in ld4 + I months. An infant basilisk that emerges
imprints on the first creature it sees. It thereafter
follows that creature around like its parent, demanding
to be fed. lf the characters manage to keep the basilisk
alive. it reaches adulthood after twelve months. Track its
growth using the Basilisk Maturation table.
Age Size Notes
Infant Tiny AC 11; 4 (ld4 + 2) hit points ;
(up to 3 months) speed 10ft.; Str 10 (+0); no
Petrifying Gaze ; bite attack is
+2 to hit and deals 1 piercing
damage p lus 1 poison dama ge
on a hit; Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Young Small AC 13; 22 (4d6 + 8) hit points;
{3- 12 months) speed 15 ft.; Str 1 3 (+1);
Petrifying Gaze has a range
of 15 feet; bite attack is +3
to hit and deals 3 (1d4 + 1)
piercing damage plus 2 (1d4)
poison damage on a hit;
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Adult Medium See the Monster Manual
(12+ months)
Blingdenstone's largest salt mine is half a day's travel to
the south. Like many of Blingdenstone's resource sites,
the road to the mine is easy to miss by casual travelers,
but sentries hiding along the way can recognize friendly
visitors (such as those in the company ofjimjar, Topsy,
or Turvy) and guide them along the proper tunnels.