Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

  1. MAZE
    Between the gate and Blingdenstone proper, the
    svirfneblin built the maze: a twisting and turning path
    that runs between 10-foot-high walls studded with nails.
    Climbing a nail-studded wall requires a successful DC
    13 Strength (Athletics) check. Even with a successful
    check. a creature must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
    saving throw to avoid the nails. taking ld4 piercing
    damage on a failed save. The path slopes up and down,
    so sections can be flooded or inundated with poisonous
    smoke. At certain points. the path narrows to allow
    Small trcatures through; Medium creatures must
    squeeze, and Large creatures can't fit through at all
    unless they have an amorphous form.
    A second path is inaccessible from the main gate,
    trave ling above the winding path. This upper path is
    festooned with towers and baUiemcnts where defenders
    can fire freely at creatures attempting to make their
    way along the lower path. A paved road runs along the
    western wall of the cavern. onto which wagons and draft
    animals arc hoisted so they can bypass the maze. The
    hoist mechanism can be destroyed with the single pull
    of a lever if invaders manage to hijack it.

    Blingdenstone's last line of defense is a wide. winding
    tunnel behind a gate similar to the one in a rea 1.

Flanking the gate are two stone towers embedded in
the cavern walls. Peering through shuttered windows
in each tower arc four deep gn omes. eight in all. These
gnomes operate winches that open and close the gate. Tf
the characters are traveling with a deep gnome escort,
the gates open as they approach, allowing access to the
tunnel beyond. If the characters arrive here unescorted,
the gnomes refuse to open the gate.


The tunnel has a 30-foot-high ceiling. and embedded in
its walls are spell gems spaced 30 feet apart and 15 feet
above the rough-hewn Ooor. The gems are set in sockets
and held in place with sovereign glue, and each gem
contains a symbol spell. Any deep gnome who can see a
gem can activate the spell within it by us ing its action to
speak the proper command word. Any attempt to pry a
spell RCm from the wall destroys the gem.
At the north end of the tunnel is a smaller door made
of stone reinforced with adamantine (see the "Doors
of Blingdenstone-sidebar). Fifteen-foot-high ledges
in alcoves flank the door. The ledges are currently
unguarded, and the stone door opens easily to reveal the
caves of Inner Blingdcnstone beyond.


P opulation : 300 deep gnomes (svirfneblin)
Gove rnme nt: Work collective led by Dorbo and Scnni
Diggcrmat tock
Defe nse: Militia, summoned earth elementals
Comme rce: Salt, gemstones, a nd ra re minerals
Organizations: The Miners' Guild, the
Stoncheart Enclave
The defenses in Outer Blingdenstone paint a picture of
a paranoid people under siege, but once past the final
gates, the true character of the settlement is revealed.
Warm. cozy, and welcoming. Blingdenstone is a rarity in
the Undcrdark.
Read t he following boxed text when the characters
first arrive in Inner Blingdenstone, omitting the second
paragraph if they arrive unescorted.

You leave the dark tunnel behind and step into what
looks like another world. These aren't sinister drow
caverns or harsh, bare stone, but a subterranean land of
warm colors and welcoming smells. The deep gnomes
you see going about their business glance up at you with
suspicion, but you instinctively understand that you face
no threat here.
One of the guards escorting you abandons his severe
frown to give a deep nod as he prompts you past the
inner gate. "Welcome to Blingdenstone, travelers."

    This busy cavern welcomes visitors to Blingdenstone
    and connects the most important chambers of the
    new settlement. Two sealed tunnels here lead to the
    Goldwhisker Warrens. One is closed off by a deliberately
    caused cave-in to the south, and the other by reinforced,
    locked, and guarded gates.

    This chamber is above the main level of Blingdenstone,
    and houses off-duty svirfneblin currently assigned to
    defend the entrance.

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