In addition to the XP earned for defeating Vazuk, each
character earns 50 XP if they inform Burrow Warden
Jadger (see area 8) that the spirit has been dealt with.
A circle of stone menhirs predating BLingdenstOne
stands at the center of this small cavern. The gnomes
believe this henge is a cluster of truly ancient galeb
duhr, venerated as manifestations of the gods. The
more religious members of the Stoneheart Enclave
cast augury and commune spells within the circle.
interpreting the responses to their entreaties through
subtle changes in the vibrations in the bedrock below.
Gurnik Tapfinger, head priest of Callarduran
Smooth hands in the Stoneheart Enclave, approac hes
the characters if they show any interest in the S pea king
Stones (use the pries t statistics in the Monster Manual,
but also give Gurnik the Stone Camouflage, Gnome
Cunning, and Innate Spellcasting features of a deep
gnome). lle asks them to undertake a task in a closed-
off area of the old city known as Rockblight, where the
temple of his god stands desecrated. If the characters
agree, he gives them a ruby spell gem (see appendix B)
containing the hallow spell and asks them to place the
gem in the Steadfast Stone's menhir (see area 22 ).
Gurnik warns them that once they place the gem,
Ogremoch's Bane will send its servants to stop them.
They must defeat these servants until the gem awakens
three te mple guardians. at which point the temple will
be cleansed and the characte rs can leave. Once the
characters accomplish this task, Gurnik channels the
powe r of the cleansed temple, bestowing a blessing
of protection or a blessing of weapon on each of the
characters (each player's choice); see "Other Rewards"
in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for more
information on blessings.
This is the home of Dorbo and Senni Diggermattock
as well as the "palace" of the provisional government
of Blingde nstone. Characters are escorted here if they
reveal to the guards in area 1 that they are fleeing
from the d r ow.
Two dozen or so svirfneblin occupy th is well-lit cavern,
some moving briskly with messenger pouches in hand
while others huddle around several stone tables cove red
in maps and other papers. talking in hushed, serious
tones. The back of the room IS dominated by a dais
carved from the rock of the cavern, atop which rest two
stone desks facing each other. Two svirfneblin- one
male, one female-sit behind the desks, conferring with
advisers and each other. They turn their attention to you
as you enter.
The de facto rulers of Blingdenstone are interested
in e\'erything the characters have to say about their
adventures, especially if they've witnessed any events
related to demonic inHuence in their visits to other parts
of the Underdark.
The Diggermanocks offer characters a safe haven on
the condition they cause no trouble in the community.
If asked about reaching the surface, Dorbo says he'd
like to help. but Blingdc nstone is under severe pressure
and he can't spare anyone to guide them. Moreover, the
gnomes don't allow strangers to buy or borrow their
maps. Both Dorbo and Scnni become evasive and angry
if the characte rs press th e issue, at which point the
characters must succeed on a group DC 15 Charisma
check or have the attitude of the svirfneblin worsen.
If the adventurers offer to help the beleaguered
settlement, the svirfneblin leaders mention things t he
characters can do to help take the pressure off the
community and free up its resources. Each task the
characters s uccessfully undertake s hifts the a ttit ude of
the svirfneblin (see "Changing Svirfneblin Attitudes").
The Diggermattocks relay rumors that some monster or
magic in the northwestern part of the settlement might
be respons ible for the growing number of oozes in
Blingdenstone. Tf the characters return with information
about the Pudding Court and the threat lurking
therein, the Oigge rmattocks pay them with an empty
spell gem of the highest spell level a spellcaster in the
party can cast.
The we re rats of the Goldwhisker clan are a point of
contention among the Diggermattocks. Dorbo wants
them out of the warrens to free up living space for
hard-working svirfneblin. He also wants to recover
the House Center he believes is still in the wererats'
grasp (see area 28). Senni argues that the wererats are
descendants of Blingdenstone citizens and deserve to
stay and rejoin their community.
Since the wererats are as territorial and defe nsive
as the svirfneblin, any attempt to parley has been met
with violence. Senni asks the characters to venture
into the warrens and talk with whomever is in charge.
The characters' report will determine whether t he
svirfneblin step up their efforts to eliminate the wererats
or work toward an agreement.
If Topsy or Turvy are with th e party, they want to learn
more about the wcrcrat community. If their own nature
as were rats is revealed to the Diggermattocks or other
dee p gnomes, the twins are given the choice of going
into the wererat-controlled part of Blingdenstone or
being cast out of the settlement altogether, which might
encourage the characters to meet and talk with the
Goldwhisker clan.
This elevated cavern near one of Blingdenstone's main
residential areas holds a variety of rocks and crystals
in the middle of its bowl-shaped floor. Svirfneblin
minstrels skilled in the art of stone singing can alter the