Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
pitch of the vibrations emiued by the individual stones.
creating an effect similar to an assemblage of harp-
playing bards. When the characters initially come here,
a deep gnome named Garra Songstonc is playing the
c rystals for an appreciative audience of 3d4 deep gnome
c hildren (noncombatants).

    The Foaming Mug was built as an inn to house foreign
    guests visiting Blingdenstone. It was abandoned after
    the drow invasion but has recently reopened. While its
    supply of surface foods and beverages is meager. the
    rooms are sized for Medium guests. with comfortable
    beds and two separate hot springs used for bathing and
    relaxation. There are no other guests currently. so party
    members who stay here have the inn to themselves.
    Many svirfneblin frequent the inn's taproom after work,
    keeping the place lively. The tavern serves Darklake
    Stout, an ale that t he svirfneblin purchase from duergar
    traders in Mantol-Derith (see chapter 9).
    Tappy Foamstrap. a bored deep gnom e, runs the inn.
    The characters' arrival is the most exciting thing that
    has happened in months, so she peppers them with
    questions about their lives and adventures, pushing free
    drinks and food on them.

The svirfneblin community is tight-knit, so rumors
s pread quickly. Characters who engage with the tavern's
patrons while the gnomes' general attitude is indifferent
or friendly learn the following information.
Blingdenstone's ghost problem is getting worse, and
there are even spirits haunting the catacombs.
There was a crazy svirfneblin back in the first days
of reclamation who disappeared. Some of the scouts
claim to have seen him. skulking around the unrecov-
e red areas of the settlement. (The scouts don't know
that this gnome is the Pudding King.)
The Stoneheart Enclave is closing in on a solution to
the threat of Ogremoch's Bane (untrue). The gnomes
call a large unclaimed area in the northeast of the
settlement "Rockblight," as earth elementals go mad
whenever they go near it.
People are divided as to what to do about the wererats
living in the southwest caverns. Some want them out.
while others propose an alliance of mutual defense.
A merchant from Gracklstugh says there's an influx of
surface-world coins there, but nobody knows where
they come from. (See chapter 4 for more information.)
A svirfneblin caravan returning from Wbiteshell
Mines encountered a parade of dancing myconids.
Through their rappor t spores, the myeonids told
the gnomes about a "wedding celebration." which is
strange considering that myconids don't celebrate or
have weddings. (See chapter 5 for more information.)
The characters can spend a few hours socializing in
the taproom of the Foaming Mug. If they do, they gain
advantage on their next group Charisma check made to
improve the deep gnomes' attitude.

Unlike the reclaimed parts ofBiingdenstone, Rockblight is
barren, cold, and hostile.
Light. All parts of Rockblight are dark except for whatever
light sources the characters bring with them.
Caverns and Corridors. The caverns and connecting
tunnels in this part of Blingdenstone are of the same
construction seen in Inner Blingdenstone, but are empty
and strewn with rubble.
Hum idity. A few shallow pools and streams run
through the area, making the air damp and chill. Pools are
difficult terrain.


When the drow attacked Blingdenstone, Ogremoch's
Bane retreated to the far corners of the ruined city,
waiting for the time to reemerge and seek out earth
elementals to corrupt. The malevolent entity didn't have
to wait long. as the drow sent teams of scavengers to
loot the treasures the deep gnomes left behind, bringing
their own elemental creatures with them.
Ogremoch's Bane haunted the drow with the same
relentless c ruelty it did the svirfneblin. turning their
elemental servants against them. Eventually. the drow
armies departed the city, but when they did. a drow
priestess of Lolth named eheedra Duskryn stayed
behind. eheedra was obsessed with collecting spell
gems for their power and beauty, intent on making
herself the regal and powerful master of her own
underground realm. She commanded a force of
drow servants and soldiers with unabashed cruelty,
relentlessly driving them to seek out spell gems and
increase her own wealth and power.
Overcome by her own greed and vanity, Nebeedra
engaged in dark rituals designed to secure her hold on
power. imagining that Blingdenstone would one day
become a drow enclave with her as its immortal leader.
Unfortunately, the magical pacts she struck eventually
transformed the vain priestess inro a medusa.
Enraged by her fate, Neheedra turned her servants
to stone and descended into madness. Over decades,
she petrified any creature she encountered, eventually
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