Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
~cheedra Duskryn was part of the expedition sent to
loot Blingdenstone of its spell gems. Her abode reflects
the richness and elegance of the drow monarch she
yearned to be.

I The adornments in this chamber would be more at home

in a drow City. Sp1der-themed tapestries, fine zurkhwood
furniture, and racks of expensive clothing fill the area,
all of it old and rotted. At the center of the chamber, a
female drow sits upon a zurkhwood throne. She stands,
eyes closed and arms crossed as if in meditation or
prayer. Then her white hair writhes, and you see it is
formed of pale, hissing snakes.

The medusa attacks intruders without hesitation.
~eheedra's curse has driven her mad, and reasoning
with her isn't an option.

Five of the dresses in Neheedra's rack are made of
spider silk shaped by drow magic. They are worth
200 gp each if sold in the markets of the Underdark.
The drow magic on a dress fades when the garment is
exposed to sunlight. causing it to fall apart.

If the characters divulge the medusa's location to
Sark Axebarrel in area 10, they receive the promised
reward of 50 gp each. If they deliver Neheedra's head
·o Sark. he also gives them the 1 ,000 gp diamond he
promised them.

The characters gain 50 XP each if they successfuJly
report back to Sark, whether they defeat the medusa or
not. Upon earning this award, the characters can make
a group Charisma (Persuasion) check to improve the
gnomes' attilude (see "Changing Svirfneblin Attit udes").

This cave is filled with thirty statues of drow warriors,
all standing as if on guard. In her madness. eheedra
turned these warriors of her house to stone. Over long
years, Ogremoch's Bane has used its power to animate
these statues, turning them into elemental creatures.
When the characters step inside the chamber, six
of the statues animate and attack. The statues have
•he statistics of animated armor, except that they are
... lementals instead of constructs.
The statues attack until destroyed but don't leave this
area. lf the characters spend I round or longer in the
~hambcr after defeating the last statue. six more statues
animate. This process repeats until either all of the
:,tatues are destroyed or until the characters leave the
·ave. A statue also animates and attacks if touched or
otherwise disturbed.

If every stawc in this cave is destroyed, Ogremoch's
Bane appears.


As the last statue crumbles, a cloud of dust erupts from l

1ts shattered remains and expands to fill the cave.

The cloud is Ogremoch's Bane. Characters within the
cloud can sense its malevolence, and a successful DC
15 I ntelligence (Arcana) check confirms that the cloud is
of cxtraplanar origin. The cloud has a flying speed of 20
feet and is impervious to all damage and spells except
the following.

  • A gust of wind spell or similar magic can forcibly
    move the cloud.

  • Casting a banishment spell on the cloud sends it back
    to the Elemental Plane of Air if it fails its Charisma
    saving throw (it has a +4 modifier to the roll). A dispel
    evil and good spell is equally effective and doesn' t
    require a successful attack roll; however, the caster
    must be in contact with the cloud.
    Creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Earth
    (including earth elementals, galeb duhr, gargoyles.
    and xorn) that come in contact with Ogrcmoch's Bane
    instantly fall under the cloud's sway. The effect lasts as
    long as the enslaved elementals and Ogremoch"s Bane
    are on the same plane of existence.

lf Ogremoch's Bane is banished back to the Elemental
Plane of Earth. award each character 150 XP.

Once a temple of Callarduran Smoot hhands, the deep
gnomes' god of stone and mining, this cavern was
named after its long-lost galeb duhr protectors-the
dharum suhn (the ''Hearts of Steadfast Stone'').

The Aoor of this cavern is worn smooth, but t he walls are
rough. A great menhir carved from a stalagmite stands
in the center of the chamber, pockmarked with dozens of
empty sockets that might once have held gems.

Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score
of 14 or higher notice that the roughness of the walls
outlines several large, vaguely humanoid shapes.

lf the characters accepted Gurnik Tapfinger's task (see
area 13). they can place the ruby spell gem he gave them
into one of the sockets in the menhir. When they do so,
the elementals in the walls begin to stir.


As the ruby begins to glow against the menhir, the walls
begin to rumble. Part of one wall shifts, detaches, and
charges toward you.


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