Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
Find Entemoch's Boon.

  • Cleanse the Steadfast Stone (area 22).

  • Travel to everlight Grove and harvest a wagon load
    of ingredients among its fungal pools and fields.

  • Escort a salt shipment to Gracklstugh to trade for
    duergar-made weapons.
    Complete one or both tasks set forth by the ghost of
    Burrow Wardenjadger (see area 8).
    Let the players come up with other ideas that might
    help, such as asking for aid from the stone giants of
    Gracklstugh or stealing magic weapons from the drow.
    Some quests might take time to complete, since they
    require travel through the Underdark.
    See the '·Benefits for Completing Tasks~ sidebar for
    benefits that the characters gain during the Battle of
    Blingdenstone if they complete certain tasks.

When the characters feel that they have attained
their goals and secured their resources, the battle for
Blingdenstone can begin.
Earth elementals under the control of the Stoneheart
Enclave lead the charge. followed by the wererats of
Clan Goldwhisker. Svirfneblin under Chief Dorbo
Diggermauock form the rearguard and provide ranged
support. lf the ghosts participate, they attack from
above and below. The plan is to get the characters to
the Pudding King while the other factions hold the
oozes at bay.
To reach the Pudding King, the characters must
face ld4 + 2 encounters, minus one encounter per
goal achieved in the ·Task List" section. Roll a d6 and
consult the Battle of Blingdenstone Encounters table to
determine each encounter.

Completing certain tasks in Blingdenstone can provide the
characters with benefits and allies in the final battle.

  • If the characters find Entemoch's Boon and share its
    location with the svirfneblin, or if they cleanse the
    temple ofCallardurran Smoothhands (area 22), an earth
    elemental aids them. If the characters completed both
    tasks, the elemental has 15 additional hit points.

  • If the characters fetch the ingredients from Neverlight
    Grove, their metal equipment is immune to the
    corrosive effects of oozes.

  • If the characters procure weapons in Gracklstugh, they
    can call for ranged artillery support during the Battle
    of Blingdenstone. Each character deals 2 extra damage
    w1th each attack during the "Cry Havoc!" encounters,
    representing covering fire from svirfneblin using
    duergar-made crossbows.

  • If the characetrs complete the tasks set before them
    by Burrow Warden jadger, each character can reroll
    one attack roll or saving throw during the Battle of
    Blingdentone as a ghost emerges from the ground to
    distract foes.

  • If the characters befriended Glabbagool and brought
    it to Blingdenstone, the intelligent gelatinous cube
    joins the battle as their ally. If Glabbagoolleft the party
    previously, it can reappear as a surprise ally during
    the battle.


d6 Encounter
1-2 1 black pudding and 2 gray oozes
3 1 gelatinous cube and 1 ochre jelly
4-5 3 gray oozes and 1 ochre jelly
6 2 black puddings

During the bactle, the voice of the Pudding King
can be heard through the layers of oozing miasma.
c rying out "Fight for your king!" and ~Glory to the
Faceless Lord!"

When the characters defeat the last group of oozes, but
before they reach area 30. the Pudding King appears.

The insane, slime-covered deep gnome points at you and
cackles. "Devour them, my precious children! Make your
father proud!" He then bolts as two oozes drop from the
ceiling in front of you, their dark forms flowing in your
direction with unsettling awareness and malevolence.

The characters must contend with Princess Ebonmire
and Prince Livid (see the "Royal Oozes·· sidebar). These
dimly intelligent oozes defend their master to the death.
blocking the characters from reaching the Pudding King
as he retreats to his throne room (area 30).
Princess Ebonmire engages in melee, protecting
Prince Livid as it uses its Psychic Crush attack. Prince
Livid prefers to slink and hide while its Psychic Crush
attack recharges.

When Princess Ebonmire dies. the black pudding
disgorges a pair of spell books with covers made from
troglodyte hide and pages made from trillimac fungus
(see "Fungi of the Underdark" in chapter 2). The covers
and pages are coated with a magical varnish that
renders them immune to acid damage, protecting them
from the pudding's digestive juices. The varnish also
protects against water damage.
A svirfneblin arch mage named Lesla Carrowil
authored both spellbooks. The wizard spells contained
in each book are listed below; feel free to swap out any
spell with another of the same level.
The first spellbook. titled Underland Magick. contains
the following spells:
1st level: alarm, color spray, comprehend languages,findfamiliar.
grease, identify, jump, Tasha's hideous laughter, unseen servant
2nd level: alter self, blur, crown of madness, gust of wind,
invisibility, knock, mag;c weapon, phantasmal force,
spider climb
3rd level: blink, dispel magic, gaseous form, major image,
protection from energy. slow. tongues, water breathing
4th level: blight.fabricate, fire shield, hallucinatory terrain, locau:
creature, phantasmal killer, polymorph, stoneskin
The second spellbook. titled Magick from Beyond the
Mirror, contains the following spells:
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