Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
The irruption of the demon lords into the Lnderdark
has sent powerful ripples of indescribable chao!>
through Ustova's visions. All she sees of the future
is fire, blood. and death, shot through with signs
and portents based upon the natures of the demon
lords-the bloody spirals and twin-forked symbols of
Demogorgon, the excessive growth and rot of Zuggtmoy.
visions ol>scured and clouded by the slime of Juiblex,
and so on. She gladly helps any characters who can offer
clarity in what she is seeing, treating such information
as beneficial visions from the dream that is the world
outside the Underdark.

The library draws in elemental spirits to animate earth
and stone, forming galeb duhr to serve as assistants for
the keepers. These creatures are humorless but diligent.

Gravenhollow "remembers" all who have walked
it!> halls, as well as those who will visit the library
in the future. As the characters explore the library.
apparitions constantly flicker in and out of existence
around them the echoes of those who have come or
will come to GravenhoUow in search of knowledge.
The time-displaced echoes in Gravenhollow are a
prime opportunity to introduce great PCs of Faerfm in
a way that will not negatively impact the story you want
to tell, nor steal the spotlight from the characters. The
echoes offer characters the chance to receive advice
from experienced adventurers and heroes, and for the
players to interact with some of their favorite characters
from the Forgotten Realms.
An echo is a quasi-real duplicate of the original
creature. except it has 1 hit point and can't attack or
cast s pells. An echo reduced to 0 hit points vanishes.
It's impossible to tell at a glance whether an echo is
from the past or the future. Clothing and equipment
might help, or characters can simply ask. Interacting
with an echo is the same as interacting with the original
creature, but because most echoes are in the midsl
of their own search for knowledge, th ey prefer to be
left alone.
Echoes appear so often that the characters find
ont> every time they go looking for any information
10 the library. Use the Echoes in Graven hollow table
to determine who the characters encounter, or place
echoes as you see fit.


d20 Echo
1- 2 Alustriel Silverhand
3-4 Andarin Zarith
5-6 Bruenor Battlehammer
7 8 Elminster
9-10 Graz'zt
11-12 Hgraam
13-14 jalynfein Oblodra
15-16 Society of Brilliance
17-18 Xetzirbor
19-20 Yauln

The t1me·displaced echoes in Gravenhollow are a prime
opportun1ty to introduce some of the great adventurers
and personalities of Faerun in a way that will not
negatively impact the story you want to tell, nor steal
the spotlight from the characters. The echoes offer
them the chance to receive advice from experienced
adventures and heroes, and for the adventurers to meet
some of their favorite characters from the world of the
Forgotten Realms.
The echoes belong to those who managed to find
Graven hollow, coming there to seek knowledge for
whatever all-important purpose or quest drove them
there Each echo IS also from a specific point in time
(possibly including the future).

This legendary wizard and leader appears as a human
female in her early twenties. She interacts with the
chnracters with kindness and a certain whimsy,
but doesn't disclose what time period she's from,
admonishing characters who try to learn too much of
the past or future.

This human Red Wizard ofThay will visit Graven hollow
nearly a century in the future. He treats the characters
as annoying apparitions and refuses to deal with them.

The dwarf king·s red hair has turnt:d mostly white, and
he leans heavily on a thick crystal cune. He is old, frail.
and quite senile, and he can't remember why he came to
Graven hollow or what be's looking for.

Thi!> echo of the future claims to be searching for a
long-forgotten spell. If the character& ask the venerable
human arch mage about the demonic incursion,
Elminstcr reveals that the demonic incursion was the
unintended result of a spell cast by Gromph Baenre,
a former Archmage of Menzol>erranzan. Elminster
doesn't reveal what happened to Gromph, for he's
reluctant to divulge too much information about the
future. If the characters press him for details. Elminster
says only that many great heroes were lost to the
demonic tide, but several powerful demon lords were
driven l>ack to the Abyss.

This echo of Graz'zt (see appendix D) is gathering all
the information it can about the Lnderdark. The Dark
Prince asks the characters what part of the Undcrdark
they come from. If they mention the surface world,
Graz'zt eyes widen as his curiosity is piqued.

This younger version of Stenespeaker Hgraam (see
chapter 4, .. Gracklstugh .. ) treats the characters as
spirits and asks them philosophical questions about
the nature of dreams. If the characters engage him in
conversation, he bids them farewell with the words ... 1
will remember you."'

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