Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
This young m a le drow was cast out of Menzoberranzan
after he lost hi s sight, yet he survived and found his
way here. The blind drow came to the library hoping to
overcome his blindness and take revenge on his family.
Characters familiar with drow lore or history know,
with a successful DC 14 Intelligence ( History) check,
that House Oblodra was all but wiped out years ago.

The characters encounter echoes of all five members of
the Society of Brilliance (see the ··society of Brilliance-
random e ncounter in chapte r 2). Any members of the so-
ciety traveling with the party know that these are echoes
from rh<' past.
The Society of Brilliance came to Graven hollow years
ago on a pilgrimage of enlightenment. If the characters
me ntion the demonic incursion and postulate a theory
of drow involve me nt, the Society of Orilliance echoes
confirm that s uch an <!vent is inevitable, ··given the drow
propens ity for demon s ummoning and the inherent
unpredictability of fuerzress.'' These echoes don't have
much else to offer. although they can explain how the
library works (see the "Gravenhollow: General Fea-
tures'' sidebar).

This mind Hayer regards the characters with interest.
Xetzirbor refuses to disclose its timeline but hints that
it knows about the demonic incursion. The mind Hayer
tries to entice the characters into telling it what they
have discovered. but of its own purpose. Xetzirbor
reveals only that it came to Graven hollow to find a way
to save a dying elder brain it calls Cyrog.

A male stone giant from an ancient past. Yauln carne
to Graven hollow to seek answers on whether his
clan should emer an alliance with the bearer of the
Cairngorm Crown (see chapter 4, '"Gracklstugh"}

Each level of Graven hollow ft:atures rooms reserved for
habitation. The galeb duhr keep the rooms clean, and
can provide food and drink magically c reated by the
library if a~kcd.

Urmas and Ustova live on the top level of the Library.
taking up all the Jiving quarters at either end of that
level. Their rooms reflect their duties and personalities.
Urmas's quarters contain a collection of carved tablets.
as well as actual books and scrolls found nowhere else in
the library. Ustova's quarters feature a collection of musi-
cal instruments and divination tools. including crystal
orbs, bag~ of bones. and a large mithral basin.
Ulthar lives on a lower level that he claims is ··near
the bottom of the library," though such a distinction is
meaningless given how distorted distance and direction
can be in the library (see the "Graven hollow: General
Features" sidebar). His quarters are a work of art. cov-
ered with murals and wall carvings of his own design,
along with workshops where he engages in crafting.


The guest quarters appear bare until a visitor chooses
a room. The next time that room is entered, it is fully
furnished according to the character's taste and needs
Characters don't need to make any check to find their
guest rooms after exploring the library: they need onJ)
wish to return, and the next set of stairs they come to
leads them to the appropriate level.

The walkways that surround the central well are wide
and mostly empty. with the occasional galeb duhr or
visitor echo wandering about. Each level consists of a
well opening surrounded by a wide walkway connectin_
the rooms dug into the surrounding wall. Bridges cro55
the well at regular intervals. and also connect to stairs
to the levels above and below. No matter how far down
visitors go, there always appear to be more levels belo\\

Graven hollow's rc:cords are organized by rooms attuna;
to the past, the present. or the future. Each level has
a random number of rooms, arranged without any
apparent system other than the library's intuitive abilit)
ro direct visitors to where they want to go-or to where
the library thinks they need to go.

The library keeps its records on stone and c rystal slab::.
monoliths, and stelae filling neatly in niches carved
into the walls of every room. Thanks to the library"s
comprehend 1.1nguages effect. anyone can easily
decipher and understand the runes and glyphs carved
into the stone.
These records coma in only what the librarians
were able to write down. Even with their network
of messengers and informants, and the visions they
receive using the powers of the library, the stone giant~
are still mortal creatures. As such, the giants' own
understanding might limit the characters· ability to
locate information in the library.
The library's written records deal only with events
in the Underdark and the history of giants. Like most
SLOne giants, the librarians consider the surface worlc.
a realm of dreams, and what happens there is deemet.
less important than events in the Underdark.
To acquire information not inscribed in the record!:>
(including a ny events outside the Underdark), the
characters need a stonespeaker crystal (sec appendix
B). after which they must find an appropriate archive tc
query events in the past. present. or future.

Every room devoted to the records of the past has the
same inscription carved above the doorway in runes
that anyone who knows Dwarvish or Giant understand,


The past is a crystal, for it can be seen from many facets yet
it always remains the same.
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