Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
These rooms contain crystals of many colors. Ulthar
and his assistants per iodically move tablets, cylinders.
and stelae from the Archives of the Prese nt into these
rooms. Some of the records here date back to the mythic
times of the earliest giant gods.
Annals ofHistory. Characters can research the
backgrounds of the primary settlements of the
Underdark and any well-known characters who dwell
there. This lets them know what to expect if they visit
those s ites in the future, or to bette r understand some
of the events that occurred during a previous visit.
For example. they can learn more information about
Thcmberchaud. about the drow siege and demonic
assaull of Blingdenstone, or any other part of the well-
known history of FacrOn.

The rooms that contain the works of Urmas have
inscriptions carved above t he doorway that anyone who
knows Dwarvish or Giant can translate:


The present is like sand, ever flowing and escaping one's l
grasp without mercy or respite.

The records in these rooms detail the current s tate of
the Underdark and the giam kingdoms.
Current Affairs. Reading the tablets in these archives
provides a good overview of what is going on in the
Unde rdark at the present time. The latest ne ws has a
delay of a few days and is often incomplete, becoming
more de tailed as Urmas obtains more information from
his messengers and informants. The re ports about
the demons· invasion are sketchy and incomplete. but
characters can still get a rough idea about which demon
lord arrived where. They can learn that ZuggLmoy might
be on the move to an undisclosed location, or follow the
ravaging paths ofYeenoghu and Baphome t as they gather
and rally the races that worship them. Unlike the bits and
pieces of news about the othe r de mon lords. a significant
amount of information is known about the cults of
Dcmogorgon festering under Grackls tugh, as events
there directly affect the resident stone giant clan.

The rooms with Ustova's prophetic writings have
inscriptions above the doorways that anyone who knows
Dwarvish or Giant can decipher:

The future is a song we remember, but we cannot rush to its
end Jest we destroy the melody.

Unlike the other rooms in the library. these archives
echo with the sound of ru nning water. The wall niches
containing the stone cylinders Ustova favors for scribing
a re a lso fountains, where water shimme rs over crystals
as it falls.
Prophetic Visions. The information in the Archives
of the Future is uncertain. not onJy because Ustova
focuses on prophecies but also because her visions

Not even the current librarians know who built
Gravenhollow. All they know is that t he library has existed
since the dawn of giantkind.
Power Node. Gravenhollow was carved from a titanic
geode whose crystals are imbued with magic that
concentrates Jaerzress. The magic that suffuses the library
profoundly affects time and space, a ltering the perceptions
and reality of all beings with in its walls.
Bigger on the Inside. The notion of space works strangely
in Gravenhollow. The interior of the library continually
expands as lore is added to it, but visitors can still
traverse all its floors and chambers with ease. Only the
most absentminded and scatterbrained become lost in
Graven hollow.
Universal Language. While in Gravenhollow, all creatures
gain the benefit of the comprehend languages spell.
Hidden from Magic. Gravenhollow is a window into the
passage of time and history, and the magic permeating the
library blocks it off from the real world around it. Though
divination magic works normally within the library, no
divination effect used outside the library can discern any
creature, object, or location with in it.
A Place of Peace. Visitors to the library ofGravenhollow
are expected to conduct themselves with decorum, and to
refrain from arguments and violence. Creatures that incite
conflict quickly draw the attention of the basilisk Veldyskar,
who is quick to use his Petrifying Gaze on troublemakers.
If a threat arises that Veldyskar can't handle, the library
generates 3d6 galeb duhr to assist him.
Willful Navigation. Finding anything in Gravenhollow
is an effort of will. Whenever a character seeks a specific
location in the library (a particular floor or period
of history. for example), the character must make a
successful DC 14 Wisdom check to find that location. On
a failure, the character takes a wrong turn and must make
additional checks until successful. If led by one of the
library's keepers, characters don't need to make checks to
find the location they seek.

detail potential futures, not definite outcomes. Urmas
and Ustova compare notes often to validate their visions.
The prophecies in these rooms are limited to the future
of giantkind-and the trials still to come for those once-
great races- because this is Ustova's sole inte rest.

As th e characters explore the library, ideally after
encountering an echo or two, they meet the venerable
drow archmage Vizeran DeVir. accompanied by Kleve. a
death s laad bodyguard in its natural form. Vizeran is an
archmage with the following statistical modifications:
Vizeran's alignment is ne utral evil.
Vizeran·s fey ancestry gives him advantage on saving
throws against being c harmed. and magic can't put
him to s leep.

  • Vizeran can innately cast the following s pells, requir-
    ing no mate rial components: dancing lights at will.
    darkness once per day, faerie fire once per day (spell
    save DC 15), and levitate (self only) once per day.

  • While in s unlight, Vizeran has disadvantage on attack
    rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
    rely on s ight.

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