Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
When the characters first encounter Vizeran and
Kleve. read the following boxed text to the players.

Two figures approach-a withered drow clad in dark
flowing robes, and a hulking gray·skinned monster
resembling a spiky humanoid toad, its wide mouth full
of razor·sharp teeth. The drow's pinched and lined face
speak to his great age, and his red eyes narrow and
appraise you carefully as he approaches.

Vizeran greets the adventurers cautiously. introduces
himself and his companion. and asks what business
brings them to Graven hollow. He remains cool and
polite. trying to avoid any tension for fear of inciting
violence in this place.
ff rhe characters are willing to talk to him. Vizeran
tells them he has opposed rhe tyranny of Lolrh and her
priestesses for centuries. He believes that some kind of
demonic invasion of the Underdark is underway, and he
has come to Graven hollow to confirm his suspicions and
make plans to combat it.
The drow arch mage suggests that the adventurers
make their own inquiries-and that they look in
particular into Menzoberranzan and its archmage,
Gromph Baenre. Vizeran then returns to his quarters,
telling the adventurers how to seek the librarians if they
don't already know how to do so.



During their time in the library, the characters can
meet with Vizeran several times to exchange notes.
The drow arch mage a~ready knows a lot of what has
transpired since the demon lords arrived. He isn't.
however, using the library to delve into specific events.
so he welcomes the characters' input while remaining
tight-lipped about his own intentions and goals.
If the characters threaten Vizeran, Kleve looms
menacingly nearby even as the archmage tries to
keep things civil, pointing out that there is nothing
to be gained by fighting. If the adventurers anack
him or Kleve, Vizeran casts time stop and departs
before Veldyskar shows up (see "A Place of Peace"
in the '"Gravenhollow: General Features" sidebar).
Kleve becomes invisible and follows his master out
of Gravenhollow. Despite their attack upon him. the
archmage contacts the characters again in an attempt
to forge an alliance (see chapter 12, "The Tower of

If the characters set out to find a librarian. Ulthar is the
one they find first. He and Urmas agree that current
evems in the Underdark are a serious concern, but
their roles as record keepers prevent them from acting
in any way other than to provide information. Ulthar
will speculate that this is likely why the library allowec
Vizeran and the characters to find it so easily.
Urmas has been following recent events that might
have led to the current crisis. He bids the characters to
tell him about their own experiences in the Underdark
specifically, their encounters with the demon lords.
Ultha r offers the cha ractcrs one of the library's
stoncspeaker crystals if they don't have their own,
instructing them on how to attune to it. He warns the
characters to not let themselves become lost in the
visions they will experience.

A creature attuned to a sronespeaker crystal (see
appendix B) gains the ability to peer through the veil"
of time and receive visions of the past, present, and
future-but only while in Gravcnhollow.
A creature attuned to a stoncspcakcr crystal gains t
following additional benefits while in the library:
While standing in the Archives of the Past with the
crystal in hand, the creature can choose to experien
a vision of rhe past. After receiving this vision, the
creature can't experience another vision of the past
until it finishes a long rest.
While standing in the Archives of the Present with
the crystal in hand, the creature can choose to rcce1
a vision of something happening at that moment.
After receiving this vision, the creature can't expe-
rience another vision of the present until it finishes
a long rest.
While standing in the Archives of the Future with th
crystal in band, the creature can choose to receive
a glimpse of what might happen if the demon lords
aren't stopped. After receiving this vision, the creatu
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