Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

can't experie nce anothe r glimpse of the future until it
finishes a long rest.
While standing in the appropriate archive. the
creature can expe nd 2 of th e crys tal"s c harges to ask a
question pertain ing to the past, present. o r fut ure and
receive a truthful a ns we r in the form of a vis ion.
Characte rs can expe nd charges to confirm s uspicions.
fill in gaps in their knowledge, a nd see for themselves
the events that brought the de mon lords into the world.
Such researc h might ta ke ~everal days. Ulthar doesn't
give the m another stonespeaker crystal to s peed up
the process, but the characte rs can try to steal one,
as the trusting libra rian keeps the m on a s helf in his
quarters. The giant discove rs the theft in 1d4 days. at
which point the characte rs are confronted by Veldyskar
and a host of gale b duhr, who politely as k the m to leave
Gravenhollow at once.


The following are the most r eleva nt visions the
characte rs can receive as ans we rs to their questions.
Elaborate upon or modify these as needed. and
improvise vis ions for othe r questions the characters as k
based on the information in the adventure.

U the characte rs inquire about Gromph Baenre or the
arrival of the de mon l ords. they receive a vis ion of how
eve rything started.

An imperious drow archwizard in sp1der-silk robes
casts a mighty conjuration spell. As the ritual draws
toward its conclusion, a web of Jaerzress energy expands
outward. The wizard seems alarmed by th is , his efforts
to complete the spell growing more crazed as he realizes
he's lost control.
And then, madness! Rifts open in the web of energy
around him. These cracks stretch and widen, and
through them come horrific fiends that scream, shriek,
and howl as they are wrenched from the Abyss and cast
into the Underdark.
A woman's deep. dark laugh echoes in your mind as
the drow wizard shrinks away from the demonic hordes
he has unwittingly unleashed.

If a characte r receiving this vis ion has a passive
Wisdom (Pe rception) score of 13 or higher. he or she
sees a drow ins ignia on the wizard. If the characte r i s
a drow or othe rwise familia r with the iconography of
Menzoberranzan's drow houses, he or s he recognizes
the symbol a~ re presenting House Baenre. The
character can als o recall the sy mbol well e nough to
draw it, so that anothe r more knowledgeable character
can discern its s ignificance.

The characters can inquire about Zuggtmoy or the
events in Ne ve rlight Grove.

A cavern of peculiar beauty opens up before you, with
lights of every color shm1ng from the pure essence oflife,
diffused and amplified by the glow of Jaerzress. The glow
pulses, and you can feel the life m the cavern rotting away,
burstmg w1th mfeC!Ion A mushroom grows in the center
of the cave, ever larger and taller, pustules forming and
seep1ng as its stem th1ckens and its cap reaches to the
cavern's ceiling. forming a vast fungal tower.
Two myconids approach the site in awe, not minding
the carpet of rot under their feet. You sense their minds
come alive m wonder, and as they kneel in worship, you
know they are doomed. A voice sounds out within clouds
of spores that fall like snow. The voice tells the myconids
to prepare for a gift unlike any they have ever known.

If the cha racte rs vis ited Nevc rli ght Grove, they
recognize one of the myconids as S ove reign Phylo,
while somehow knowing that the othe r is Yestabrod
before it became muta ted.

As much as the character~ learned from fighting the
P udding King in Blingde ns tonc. they might decide ro
seck more knowledge of the mad svirfne blin or his
fie ndish maste r. Juiblex the Faceless Lord.

A deep gnome spurn ed by others of his kind weeps
as he wanders the dark tunnels, talkmg to the things
that crawl and seep from the walls. You see him adopt
two slick patches of ooze, sensing his innate power
over them. He plays with them as if they were children,
chasing them through the gloomy depths.
Something changes, and the oozes flow away. The
deep gnome runs after them, fearful of being alone once
again. You feel a great hunger seize him. He experiences
visions that pass into your vision, showing what appears
as a paradise to him but an oozing nightmare for all
others. The great hunger speaks to him, his already
broken mind a shield against the hunger's shattering
power. That power seems to recognize and acknowledge
something in the gnome that will serve it well.
The great hunger has a name- )uiblex. And its power...
oh, such great and terrible power! It grants the gnome the
ability to command the little hungers-his children- so
that they can return to the place that cast them out and
devour it all!

The corruption in Grackls tugh s lowly rots duergar
s ociety from within, leading it toward a brutal fate.

1 .'5 7
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