You see a circle of small hooded figures, their forms
hunched and emaciated. Their gestures and movements
are jerky, indicative of the madness possessing them.
They are chanting, swaying to their own words. And then
they stop as the glow of faerzress rises around them,
whispering to them in unintelligible sounds. The derro
cackle and dance, their hands glowing with a power that
isn't theirs. The vision shifts, and suddenly gray dwarves
stare d own at the red-hot metal on their anvils. The
constant rhythm of their hammering falters. Suddenly,
brother turns against brother as minds turn inward upon
themselves. Sparks fly and a city burns.
One of the first brushes the characters might have had
with the demon lords was in Sloobludop, where they
w itnessed the rise of Demogorgon, the so-called ·'Deep
Father" of the mad kuo-toa.
You see a kuo-toa swimming in the gloomy depths of a
dark, subterranean lake, uncertain. It turns left and right,
trying to find something, even as it's surrounded by a
fanged creatures resembling manta rays. The kuo-toa
smiles, its needle teeth gleaming even in the darkness. It
has seen something. It understands a new secret, and its
a lready unhinged mind plunges further into madness.
The kuo-toa curls in on itself, arms extended in
worship. Then from the circle of rays, two tentacles
emerge-followed by two howling baboon heads.
Characters might be curious to know more about the
source of the discord in Mantoi-Derith, leading to a
revelation about Fraz-Urb'luu.
A rift formed by faerzress opens wide, illuminating a dark
tunnel. The rift spits out a black gem that clatters as it
tumbles across the tunnel Aoor. The gem is picked up by
a gray-skinned dwarf, who inspects it closely.
The vision shifts to a brightly lit cavern full of crude
merchant stalls, where the duergar hands the gem to a
svirfneblin for appraisal. The gnome refuses to return
the gem, instead giving it to one of her svirfneblin
apprentices. The young apprentice skulks away with the
gem in h is clutches, but is ambushed by a gargoyle. The
gargoyle snatches the gem, Aies away, and gives it to a
fe male d row. The drow gazes into the black gemstone
and sees a h ideous demonic face looking back at her.
Thoughts of murder and carnage fill her thoughts as she
hides the gemstone on her person, draws her shortsword,
and coats the blade with poison.
Although Orcus doesn't have a significant role in this
adventure. players might wonder what the Demon Lord
of Undeath is up to.
In the heart of a alien cavern glistening with slime, scores
of mind flayers gather around an enormous brain resting
in a pool. The brain is dead. You can hear the illithids'
incomprehensib le thoughts as they mourn its passing.
One word echoes louder than the others: Cyrog.
Suddenly.jaerzress bathes the dark and twisted hall in
purplish light. A rift opens, and a hulking, horned figure
that reeks of putrescence steps out. It raises a skull·
tipped wand and points it at the dead elder brain. The
elder brain begins to pulsate, and you see intermittent
flashes of purple light under its rotting Aesh. The mind
flayers are aghast as the elder brain speaks to them once
more, telling them that Orcus has saved Cyrog, and
commanding them to follow it into undeath.
The librarians of Gravenhollow know that Cyrog is the
name of distant mind fiayer settlement. Vizeran OeVir
and every member of the Society of Brilliance also
knows that Cyrog is named after an ancient elder brain
that commands the settlement. which lies deep in the
Underdark, thousands of miles to the east.
The demon lord Baphomet doesn't play a significant
role in this adventure. However, a character seeking
clues to the Horned King's whereabouts receive the
following vision.
The smell of blood fills your nostrils as you wander a
maze of Underdark tunnels, moving with purpose as
your giant hooves crush stones underfoot. Faerzress
light reveals that your shadow is monstrous, suggesting
a h ulking beast with a c rown of horns. With your bloody
glaive, you carve a swath through a forest of towering
zurkhwood mushrooms that s tands in your way. The
tunnels beyond would confuse an o rdinary mind, but you
instinctively know the path you must walk. Every step
brings you closer to a magma·filled chasm, lodged in
which is an enormous contraption of metal and stone-a
weapon capable of reshaping the Underdark itself.
This vision provides a brief glimpse of the Maze Engine
an arcane device located in the heart of the Labyrinth
(see chapter 14).
A character that tries to learn more about Yeenoghu, the
Demon Lord of Gnolls. receives the following unsettlin!,