A hunched and rotting creature with the head of a
fiendish hyena swings a triple headed flail at a beholder.
crushing it. As the eye tyrant falls to the floor, a pack of
hyenas leaps onto the corpse and tears off its eyes talks
while the demon lord licks the gore off hts weapon. As
the hyenas feed, they transform into slavering, cackling
gnolls before your eyes.
Tf the characters inquire about Lolth. they receive a
vision of her home in the Dcmonweb Pits, confirming
that at least one demon lord didn't escape the Abyss.
You behold the true form of the Demon Queen of
Spid e rs-that of a black. bloated arachnid with the head
of a female drow. Nestled in the webs all a round he r a re
thousands upon thousands of gray eggs. Lolth knows s he
is being scried, her fury tangible as her mind reaches out
to find you. Her shriek of rage as she's shut out by the
powerful wards of Gravenhollow echoes in your mind as
the vision is suddenly torn away to darkness.
This vision offers a glimpse of Lolth's plan to drive her
rivals out of the Abyss and repopulate its layers with
ber own demonic offspring. The character experiencing
the vision must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving
throw or gain one level of madness (see ·'Madness~ in
chapter 2).
OTHER V r s roNs
The other visions the characters might look for depend
on what they experienced during their escape from the
Undcrdark, and what you want the adventure to focus on
(including the activities of other demon lords).
When the characters have discovered all they a re
looking to find out. they can go to Vizeran. 1f they don't,
he seeks them out, having finished his own research.
"That fool Gromph brought the demon lords down upon
us, with his demon queen pulling his strings all the
while. He has given Lolth free reign in the Abyss. My own
research leads me to believe Gromph usedfaerzress to
achieve such a summoning, though I am sure he didn't
intend this result. Imbecile!
"I can save you months of research-time we clearly
don't have. The information I found here has confirmed
my theories, and I know how to banish the demon
lords back to the Abyss. We can do this only if we work
together, if you are willing and daring enough to directly
challenge the demon lords. Or perhaps foolhardy is the
better word."
If the characters seem hesitant to work with Vizeran,
he reminds them of the pt~ril facing the surface world
should the demon lords escape from Lhe Underdark.
lf the character~ accuse Vizeran of having ulterior
motives. the drow smiles thinly and agrees. Still, he
insists his goal is the same as the characters' own.
and he doesn't a~k them to involve themselves in his
other plans. He poims out that he is by far the most
inconsequential of the many evils that the characters
must contend with.
Vizeran invites the adventurers and their NPC
followers to A raj, his tower and stronghold, where
they can discuss the matter further. There, he can
demonstrate what he intends to do and why he needs
the heroes' help. He refuses to discuss plans in detail
in Gravenhollow, saying, "The walls here literally have
ears, and echoes linger forever." Only his home is secure
enough to serve as the place from which to plan the
demon lords' defeat.
As long as the characters remain respectful guest.o;;, the
librarians don't mind them staying in Graven hollow as
long as they like. However, the library stops providing
new visions after the characters learn the most essential
information. If the players persist beyond that point,
their efforts prove fruitless, and the librarians or their
assistants suggest there is no more they can learn at
this time.
The characters can travel with Vizcran, or he
provides them with a map and precise directions to
guide them to A raj if they want to deal with other
matters in the Underdark first. He emphasizes rhat
time is of the essence. Every day the characters tarry
allows the demon lords' power and influence in the
Underdark to grow. See chapter 12, ''The Tower of
Vengeance,'' for more information about Araj.
The last favor the library provides for the adventurers
is to have the tunnel out directly connect with routes
leading to the characters' desired destination,
whether that destination is Araj, Blin~Zdcnstone,
Menzoberranzan, Gracklstugh, Mantoi-Derith, the edge
of the Dark lake, or somewhere else.
The characters should leave Gravenhollow with a clear
picture of what is happening in the Underdark under the
influence of the demon lords. and the roles that Gromph
Baenrc and Lolth have played in creating the crisis.
Each character gains 5,000 XP for learning the truth.
Gil \f"l t'R II I CRA\ £~HOLLOW