Offered an alliance by the drow arch mage Vizeran
DeVir. the adventurers tra,·cl to his tower in the de pths
of the Underdark. There, they learn more about what
he know~ of the threat posed by the demon lords-and
pote ntially forge a pact with him to deal with that threat.
They must be cautious, however, as their potential
ally has h1s own inte rests a t heart a nd his own agenda
whe n: his fellow drow are concerned.
ff the charac te rs rebufftd Vizeran's overtures to an
alliance in Graven hollow (see chaprcr 11), rhe drow
arch mage !.ubsequcntly sends Grin Ousstyl (sec later in
thb chapter) as a peace envoy, renewing rhe offer and
leading the rharacters to A raj if they accept it. Further
e xploration of the Underdark on their own might
com incc the adventurers to at least hear what Vizcran
ha!> to !>ay. If they lind the means to communicate his
offer to the1r allies on the surface world. those allies
e ncourage the characters to forge an alliance \\ ith the
drow arch mage.
Vi.teran ~ to\vt:r hel> on 1 he c;;llg~,;. of the Wormwrithings.
about ten day~ from Men.toberranzan The map and
direction& the arch mage provides the ad\·cnturcrs in
chapte r 11 allm\ them to find the ca,·crn where the tower
s tands without getting lo~t. Use random encounters
from c hapter 13 , "The Wormwrith1ngs," on the way to
the tower.
The final ~!retch to reach the tower is through a
narrow pa~sagc off a side tunnel. concealed by a
magically protected secret door. lfVizeran's map come,
within 10 feet of tht> door, ~oft purple light outlines th e
word "A raj" a drow word for "vengeance"-across it~
surface in spidery Elvish script. Touching the map to tJ-.
door causes it to open for I minute or until the map is
more than 100 fee t away from it. Tf the characters tra' e
with Vizeran, the secret door open& on his command.
The adventurers can travel to Araj with the full
complement of their expeditionary force. Vizeran allov\ ~
only the player characters within the tower, though the
cavern around it offers space to camp and no risk of
encounters. Howe ver. if the characters are r iding giant
lizards or other mounts. those mounts are unable to
navigate the narrow route to the tower. and a separate
camp farthe r from the tower will need to be establishec.
The passage behind the secret door is narrow enough
that you need to move through it single file, occasionally
turning sideways to squeeze. It takes about an hour to
navigate its p1tch-black darkness, and the journey is filled
with a constant echo of distant sounds. The passage
then w1dens, open eng out 1nto a cavern whose far walls
and ceiling are out of sight in the darkness. Bits of quartz
and mica en the stone glimmer as they catch the light,
showeng a footpath worn into the stone floor. At the end
of that path, a vast, dark shape rises-an enormous
stalagmtte carved into a bleak, black tower.