Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1
Vizcran's tower is a e normous stalagmite, carved with a
spiraling series of chambers leading up to its peak. The
center of the s tone spike is hollowe<.l out to form an open
vertical s haft. A stone staircase spirals around the shaft,
with landings leading to chambe rs on th e upper levels:
Levell has a broad antechamber and audience hall.
Level 2 contains kitchens, storage, and curre ntly
disused servants' quarte rs.
Level3 houses guest bedchambers and a torture
chamber for ''special guests."
Level 4 contains Vizeran's library and laboratory.
Le vel 5 contains the archmage's private chambers.
Level6 is Vizeran·s sanctum at the tower's peak. where
he spends his time in contemplation and s tudy.
The sanctum features a permanent tclcportation circle
that Vize ran can use to return to his home if his need
is great. (He uses it only as a last resort , howe ve r, given
the ris ks involved in teleporting in the Underdark;
sec ''Faerzress'' in chapter 2 .) Vizeran doesn't reveal
this circle's existence to outsiders unless absolutely
necessary, and he never gives away its sigil sequence.

Assuming the adventurers arrive as Vizeran's guests,
they find the door to the tower open to them. If they
arrive unde r other circumstances, sec "Stealing into
A raj" at the end of this chapter.

Past the heavy iron door that is the tower's only visible
entrance, a short tunnel extends through five feet of solid
rock into a cool, dark chamber. As you enter, a Aoating
orb of pale violet light brightens before you, revealing an
opening in the vaulted ceiling and a spiral stone staircase
with no railing, climbing up into darkness.
Around the stairs, the light reveals a circular audience
chamber with cold, unlit lanterns hanging from brackets
set into the stone wall, heavy carpets covering the
smooth stone Aoor, and a throne-like stone chair on a
raised dais to the left of the entrance.
The ball of violet light floats to a stop beneath the
center of the open shaft, beyond the foot of the stairs. It
then hovers there as if waiting for you.

The orb of magical light attempts to guide the charac-
ters up the shaft to Vizeran's sanctum at the top of the
rower. Characters can climb the stairs if they wish, but
any creature that steps past the stairs and into the open
shaft activates a magical levitation effect imbued into
the s haft (see the "Vizeran's Tower: General Features"
sidebar). If the adventurers arrive in Vizeran's company.
he informs them of the command words for the levita-
tion effect.

Vizeran DeVir is one of the greatest magical talents
produced by the drow city of Menzoberranzan.

Unfortunately for him, his rise to power came at the
same time as one of the other great arcane talents of
the City of Spiders, Gromph Bacnrc. A scion of the
First House and as gifted a schemer as he is a mage,
Gromph engineered Vizeran's disgrace and exile as an
unbeliever in Lolth. Ironically, this might have s aved
Vize ran's life, as House DeVir was wiped out not long
thereafter by its rival, House Do'Urden.
Consigned to solitude in the Underdark, Vizeran
didn't perish as most assumed he would. Instead. he
put his a rcane powers to work to create a safe haven for
himself. and spem the following centuries in isolated
s tudy. furthering his mastery of the magical arts. He has
watched from afar as countless events unfolded in the
Underdark and across Faen1n, gathering information
and making plans for his eventual return. After waiting
for centuries, Vizcran now believes that time has come.
Vizeran harbors a thirst for vengeance against his
only living rivai-Gromph Baenre, the drow Arch mage
of Mcnzobcrranzan. As a followe r of the Elder
Elemental Eye, Vizeran also despises Lolth and her
influence over the drow. He would like nothing more
than to show up Gromph and prove to the drow that
Lolth has used them for her own gain. Of course, he also
wants to learn whatever arcane secrets have allowed
Gromph to tap into magic powerful enough to summon
the demon lords to the Underdark.
Vizeran makes a powerful but dangerous ally. His
plans and goals are entirely self ser ving, a nd he will
sacrifice the characters without hesitation to further
his schemes. Moreover, Vizeran is n't as immune as
he believes to the demonic madness growing in the
Underdark. which has been feeding his megalomania
and his thirst for vengeance against his fellow drow.
Vizeran is an archmage with the following statistical
Vizerao's alignmem is neutral evil.

  • Vizeran's fey ancestry gives him advantage on saving
    throws against being charmed, and magic can't put
    him to s leep.
    Vizeran can innately cast the following s pells, requir-
    ing no material components: dancing lights at will.
    darkness once per day. faerie fire once per day (spell
    save DC 15 ), and levitate (self only) once per day.
    While in sunlight, Vizeran has disadvantage on attack
    rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
    rely on sight.

Vizeran holds the control gem of a death slaad he calls
"Kleve." The slaad serves as the archmage's bodyguard,
and is close by at all times. Kleve can change its form to
appear as any Small or Medium humanoid, sometimes
taking on the appearance of a deep gnome servant or a
drow assistant to Vizeran if it wants to blend in. It can
also cast invisibility to observe silently from hiding. and
relies on its true form when it wants to imimjdate other
c reatures. Although cruel by nature. Kleve takes no
action to harm anyone without Vizeran's permission.
Kleve's control gem is a smoky crystal that Vizeran
wears on a chain around his neck, beneath his robes.

CHAPTt:R. 12 I TH~ lOWeR 0~ \ E1'GEA!'ICE
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