Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


Two of the component~ that Vizeran needs to craft
the talisman for his ritual (see chapter 12) can be
found relatively close to the archmage·s tower. The
Wormwrithings are a honeycomb of tunnels spanning
hundreds of miles in the northern reaches of the
Undcrdark. car,ed from the rock by enormous purple
worm~. A purple worm nest m the Wormwrithings is
an ideal place to find an unhatched purple worm egg.
Additionally. Vizeran ha~ heard rumors of a beholder
living in the Vast Oblivium, a chasm deep within the
Wormwrithings. If the characters didn't obtain the
central eye from Lorthuun or Xazax (the beholders in
chapter 9), they can search the Vast Oblivium for the
beholder believed to lair there.


The nearest purple worm nesting area mapped out
for the characters by Vizeran DeVir lies forty-eight
miles west of the arch mage·:. tower. The Vast Oblivium
lies some twelve miles south of this nursery. Use the
guidelines in chapter:. 2 and 10 as the party travels
through the Underdark. but use the Wormwrithings
Encounters table inMead oft he random encounter
tables in chapter 2. Foraging is more difficult in the
Wormwrithings, requiring successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Survival) checks.
Faerzress permeates only the fringes of the
Wormwrithings. While the party explores this region of
rhe Underdark, spellcasters won't have to deal with the
effects described under "Faerzress" in chapter 2.
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